Blaha is back on FB. Conspiring about his mine, he threatens journalists – Živé.sk

The reason why the network temporarily blocked him is also known.

  • Ľuboš Blah’s sentence expired, during which he could not write on his own Facebook.
  • He revealed the reason why the network punished him. Finally, it was again related to the topic of coronavirus.
  • Facebook ties punishment timing with a defense deal with the United States.
  • He accuses journalists of treason, threatening them with a list of alleged traitors.

To the opposition MP for the Smer-SD party, Ľuboš Blah ended a 24-hour sentence on the social network Facebookin which he was not allowed to add new posts and comments.

He “celebrated” his return with the traditionally long status in which conspired about why the so-called ban came at this time.

On his profile, which tracks 170,000 Slovaks, he also attacked journalists from the most famous Slovak dailies.

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Day without Blahu: Facebook temporarily banned MP Smer

Blaha: Apparently it worked for someone in the US

Facebook temporarily blocked Blahu in the afternoon or evening on Friday. At first, it was not clear why this had happened. Unlike previous cases from last year however, this step did not seem to be related to the spread of Covide or vaccination lies.

Well, in the end, the opposite is probably true. Blaha said that the network had blocked him for the December status published in connection deleting his video from the end of novemberin which he spread hoaxes about vaccination.

“So I wrote a status where I based all my arguments on scientific studies and professional capacities, from Nobelist Montagnier (honor to his memory) to Dr. Lakota,” Blaha said, adding: “I got a ban for this vaccination status.”

Recall that the French scientist Luc Montagnier died just a few days ago. He won the Nobel Prize for co-discovery of HIV 14 years ago during the 1980s. Since then, however, he has been alienated many times by the scientific community for his research and attitudes. He supported, for example, homeopathy, as well as a long-refuted theory about linking vaccines to autism. He also criticized the vaccination in Covid-19, arguing that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was artificially created.

Similarly, the aforementioned Ján Lakota from the Biomedical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) has been alienated by the scientific community for a long time. Last summer, since his controversial statements on the subject of Covid-19 distancing himself from his own colleagues. They said they ignored and denigrated scientific progress and spread disinformation in an effort to gain public admiration.

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At the same time, Ľuboš Blaha conspired himself in his current status. Specifically because of the fact that the sentence for the December post came from Facebook with such a long time lag.

“Completely that light speed. But it was obviously useful for someone in the US to do so at a time when the American occupation was being discussed here, “he wrote on the network, indicating that this was an unfair intention.

And although Blaha repeatedly criticizes the platform, he himself has supported it financially for a long time. According to publicly available Facebook data a member of the Smer party has paid him almost 30,000 euros for advertising in less than three years. This year alone, he has already paid for the distribution of about 90 of his own contributions.

Business as usual

As Facebook sentenced Blah with great delay, at first it seemed to be a current non-Covid-19 offense, to which Facebook moderators are particularly sensitive.

How did we stated in the original Friday textin such a case, it could be an important precedent that Facebook politicians in our region will not tolerate other offenses, not only those related to the coronavirus.

In the end, however, nothing seems to be changing and politicians remain almost untouched, although the network has been reporting for a long timethat they too must follow the same rules as regular users.

To make matters worse, Blaha is also attacking the Slovak media in the aforementioned status. He accuses them of treason related to the current topic of the defense agreement with the USA. “We have never felt more determined in Smer. There will be billboards and there will be other Lists of Traitors, which will also include the editors of Denník N, SME and Aktualít, “he threatens journalists.

We asked Meta, a social network operator, to respond to the accusations against Facebook, as well as threats to the media. We will add any answer to the text afterwards.

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