Olympic Games 2022 – Adam Žampa, Andreas Žampa first round result (giant slalom) – Olympics today – ŠPORT.sk

today 04:39

Swiss skier Marco Odermatt led the first round of Sunday’s giant slalom at the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. He led 4 hundred seconds ahead of the Austrian Stefan Brennsteiner, in third place was the reigning world champion in this discipline Mathieu Faivre from France, who was 0.08 s behind. The start of the 2nd round is scheduled for 06:45.

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ONLINE: ZOH 2022 – Žampovci brothers are fighting in the 2nd round of the giant slalom today

Slovak representatives Adam Žampa (+2.93) a Andreas Žampa (+3.22) settled in the 21st and 23rd positions.

Competitors on the “Ice River” track in the mountain resort of Yingqing had to cope with heavy snowfall and very poor visibility, but also short distances between the gates. Odermatt, the leader of the overall World Cup standings and scoring rankings, managed the conditions best, winning four of the five “giants” of the prestigious series this season.

However, he did not avoid the problem either, when at one point he came away from the line and had to correct the direction of his ride. Apart from Brennsteiner and Faivre, Norwegian Henrik Kristoffersen (+0.12) and Frenchman Thibaut Favrot lagged just behind with a starting number of 17 (+0.19).

The Žampovci brothers were typically aggressive and, despite their mistakes, made it into the elite thirty of the second round (6.45 CET). “I was expecting it to be more broken, I was a little more behind in the first goals. I didn’t push into it, then it pulled me down, the first mistake came in and it was hard for me to get back into it. Maybe I wanted too much, I went for it. “with a little respect and in the end it’s almost three seconds of loss, which is a brutal lot. The conditions are difficult, but for everyone. In the second round, I’ll try to put everything into it, because it’s full as usual.” said the older of the siblings, Adam, who started at number 22.

The younger Andreas at the age of 35 ranked only two places behind him: “The conditions are the same for everyone, everyone has to deal with it. I’m just sorry I didn’t do well, in the fourth gate as if the skis weren’t holding me in the snow. It’s very specific, instead of going down the hill, I kept spinning under the gate, which cost me time. It’s not over, the second round will be with a better number, I will try to give the best performance. ”

Only 54 of the 87 starters completed the first round.

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