Experts presented four steps that would be able to solve the crisis in Ukraine –

Europe is on the brink of war. The United States and its allies are convinced that Russia is planning an invasion of Ukraine and threatens devastating sanctions if it does. Moscow radically rejects such plans, saying Kiev is preparing to attack Donbas separatists in eastern Ukraine, the server said. Politics. Russia’s military maneuvers in Crimea, western Russia and Belarus are making the West nervous, while NATO plans to build up forces along its long border with Russia stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

Russia feels wrong

Each new discussion of the ongoing situation brings hope that the situation will calm down. It could all end without the use of weapons. However, this is a broader European arrangement from the end of the Cold War. Moscow claims that it was forced on it and that Russian national interests were not taken into account. According to Russia, the subsequent enlargement of NATO and the European Union to the east threatens its security and prosperity. Russia’s economic recovery in 2000 and the rapid modernization of its army in the last decade have given it the opportunity to question the Cold War in the interests of what Moscow considers fairer.

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Lasting peace requires that Russia’s interests be adjusted by participating in this order. The challenge is to find a way forward that meets Moscow’s security requirements without requiring the United States and its allies to modify their basic principles and interests. Former top politicians see in this chaos four possible solutions that would lead to an end to the disputes.

1. Restrictions on military operations

In order to end the military presence on the border between Russia and NATO, aspects of the Cold War agreements could be revived. Both sides are talking about an important step. But Russia will not back down until NATO continues to expand eastward. The parties to the conflict should have an agreement such as the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe. They should also recall the INF Treaty, at least for the territory of Europe (medium-range ground-based ballistic missiles could not be deployed here). However, the treaty expired in 2019, and neither party showed the political will to extend it. Everything takes time. Even the contracts during the Cold War were not signed in one day.

The experts presented four steps

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Source: NATO

2. Consent to NATO enlargement

This is the core of the current problem. A compromise could be the enlargement of NATO to the former Soviet states, including Ukraine, for 20 to 25 years, or until 2050. At that time, the moratorium on enlargement would automatically end. Although such an agreement will probably never be reached, it should be clarified that Ukraine will not join NATO in the coming years, perhaps decades. In addition, work should be done on the limits for NATO in and around Ukraine. For example, Member States would commit not to build bases or deploy military equipment in Ukraine. In return, Russia would not deploy its army on the border. It would not be a concession. In the 1997 Russia-NATO Founding Act, NATO undertook not to deploy nuclear weapons or military force in the new member states of the North Atlantic Alliance.

3. Settlement of long-standing disputes

The ongoing or cooled conflicts in the Balkans, Crimea, Kosovo and Donbas involve some kind of separatism. Everything would be solved by establishing some form of local democracy. Democratic voting in separatist territories is a key goal. Any secession of territory from a larger state would go smoothly. It does not have to be a referendum on separatism. In the case of Crimea and Kosovo, for example, regular elections would help. In them, however, a qualified majority of voters would have to vote for politicians who prefer separatism. Voting should be under international scrutiny, free, fair and legitimate. Such a vote would undoubtedly confirm what most impartial observers have long known – Kosovo will remain independent and Crimea will never return to Ukraine.

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Source: Getty Images

4. Update of the Helsinki Accords

This would lay the foundations for peace in Europe. Both parties should strive for respect for sovereign rights, self-determination, non-interference in internal affairs, reduction of threats or use of force. The aim is to provide a solid basis for the organization of European security, taking into account historical developments and technological progress since 1975.

Experts presented four steps that could solve the crisis in Ukraine

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