Adama Traoré case: the family calls for “walking for equality”

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Six years after the death of Adama Traoré, an anti-racist march is organized on Saturday in Paris, at the call of the “Truth and Justice for Adama” committee, in order to denounce the last expertise requested by the judges. The event also intends to denounce more broadly discrimination and violence.

She calls on the French, whatever their “color”, their “origins”, their “beliefs” to participate in the rally to “claim and demand the truth in the death” of her brother, Adama. Six years after the death of her brother during his arrest by three gendarmes, Assa Traoré once again calls on the French to go out into the streets to “demand justice”.

The “Truth and Justice for Adama” committee is organizing an anti-racist march in Paris on Saturday February 12 to denounce the latest medical expertise requested by the investigating judges to try to determine the causes of Adama Traoré’s death. An expertise (the tenth since the beginning of the case) fiercely rejected by the family. “It was requested by the examining magistrate, Françoise Foltzer, who gave the experts a sick leave dating from 2014 (two years before the death of Adama Traoré, editor’s note) asking them if this document could give rise to a different expertise”, explains Assa Traoré, contacted by France 24.

The mandated experts – four Belgian medical professors – had already submitted their expertise in February 2021, which for the first time underlined the responsibility of the gendarmes in the death of Adama Traoré.

On June 29, 2021, the investigating judges had asked these same experts to complete their expertise with regard to the sick leave mentioned above. The lawyer for the Traoré family, Me Yassine Bouzrou, had then estimated that “each time that heavy incriminating elements appear against the gendarmes, the judges will do everything to clear them”, and had asked “the nullity of this expertise”. In vain, since the expertise in question will be published on February 15.

>> To read: Adama, Théo, Zyed and Bouna… Why didn’t these cases trigger a French-style “Black Lives Matter”?

“The truth is clear, the truth is simple”

The sick leave at the heart of this new expertise has been sealed, “which means that I, as the victim’s family, do not have access (with my lawyer) to this document”, specifies Assa Traoré , adding that he had filed a complaint against the investigating judge.

At the beginning of February, the lawyer for the Traoré family also filed a third request for reconstitution of the arrest. “You have to know that we are not afraid of the truth,” Assa Traoré told France 24. “The truth is clear, the truth is simple: this reconstitution, which we have been asking for for five years now, has always been refused by justice because the reality would not correspond to their statements”.

She also claims that the three gendarmes who arrested her brother be placed under investigation. QFour experts mandated by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have also expressed concern by “the slowness of the instruction” of the Adama Traoré affair and “the absence of indictment”. In a letter sent to the French government last November, they also pointed to a “failure to take into consideration a possible racist motive in the death of Mr. Traoré.”

“The gendarmes should be indicted, because the expertise has spoken: the one that justice has mandated and the one that we have done in parallel with the expert of George Floyd”, insists Assa Traoré, referring to Michael Baden, the forensic doctor who had carried out the autopsy of this African-American, who died of asphyxiation during his arrest in Minneapolis (United States), in May 2020. Consulted by the Traoré family to examine the Adama Traoré file, Michael Baden had, in March 2021 , delivered a medical report questioning the responsibility of the gendarmes.

>> To read also on George Floyd: a matter of racism, “but also of violence and politics”

“Today, we are in a denial of justice,” denounces Assa Traoré, who is asking for a public trial. “Everyone must be able to hear with their own mouth what happened on January 19, 2016.”

Like the march which brought together tens of thousands of people in Paris on June 13, 2021, the “Truth and Justice for Adama” committee once again invites the French on Saturday to denounce violence and discrimination. “When we ask for justice for Adama, when we say we want equality, we know that the country of equality cannot be one if there is justice for Adama, but injustice for someone. ‘another’, explains Assa Traoré to France 24. “All injustices must be fought”.

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