Jean-Pascal Lacoste soon to be a dad: find out the sex of his first child with Delphine Tellier – TELES RELAY

This Saturday, February 5, 2022, Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Delphine Tellier announced great news. In 50′ Inside, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child and revealed whether it was a little boy or a little girl!

They are on cloud nine! On Instagram, Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Delphine Tellier have revealed that they are expecting their first child. To accompany a snapshot where the couple appears with an ultrasound and a pregnancy test, it is in legend that the little sister of Sylvie Tellier wrote: “Official announcement! We kept this secret for a long time, but today it’s time to share our happiness with you! Especially since at almost five months, it becomes difficult to hide my belly from you! As you may have discovered on 50′ Inside’s Instagram, our blended family is growing! From now on, we will no longer be 4, but 5 for our greatest happiness! (…) In your opinion: Girl or boy?“In a relationship for seven years with the pretty brunette, the ex-Star Academy star is already the father of two children, Kylie (14 years old) and Maverik (9 years old), from a first marriage with a sports coach American.

Happy to become a dad again, it’s in 50′ Inside than Jean-Pascal Lacoste showed the room of their future baby.We haven’t finished the painting, there are parts that aren’t finished (…) We’re tinkering little by little!“, he clarified. While the couple had not planned to welcome a child so quickly, he explained: “We had an order, it was: house, marriage and baby. We have to postpone the wedding since normally, for the birth, it falls right on the spot. It was June 25 and the birth is planned there so we have to move the wedding to next year.“With emotion, Delphine Tellier evoked the discovery of her pregnancy, on December 24, 2021. “I stopped my pill because I wanted to get vaccinated. Everyone said to me: ‘Anyway, you took it for so long – I took it for fourteen years – you’re going to take six months, a year before… When I arrived in December, he asked me questions like: ‘It’s weird, you have a small belly’ or ‘You’ve taken a bit of breasts’ and I said to myself: ‘I’m still going to do a test for pregnancy and suddenly I see the two bars and I said to myself: ‘Ah!“, she exclaimed.

Jean-Pascal Lacoste: “I find it chic to be a dad!”

Reminiscing about his reaction to discovering his fiancee’s positive pregnancy test, the actor revealed, “Me, I was in heaven! I’ve always loved children… We wanted a child, I was happy! I shed my tear, yeah, I was very happy!“After proudly showing off his ‘Daddy Bag’, Jean-Pascal Lacoste said: “I find it chic to be a dad!To conclude the report, the couple agreed to film their son-in-law reveal party.We have the first name in addition if it’s a girl! We immediately agreed! Ainoa! Aïnoa is the name of a Basque village and Aïnoa is Marie“, confided the star. After having burst a balloon filled with confetti, it was when he discovered the color pink that he learned that he was expecting a little girl, for his greatest happiness!


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