There is a strong wind in Slovakia: A torn roof and a gas leak! The Ministry issued recommendations –

Updated at 15:30

On Sunday in the Bratislava region, firefighters intervene mainly with fallen trees, but also with torn roofs or sheets. So far, the number of trips has increased to 35. As stated by the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) operating center in Bratislava, neither injuries nor human victims are recorded in this connection. HaZZ stated that so far it records approximately two cases of tearing off the roof, as well as cases of property damage for fallen trees on cars.

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Source: Facebook / Police of the Slovak Republic – Bratislava region

Updated at 15:04

In the west and below the Tatras there is a stormy wind in places, a storm in Nitra and snow and snowdrifts in the mountain areas. According to the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ), the current weather is also in Slovakia, which was hit by extremely bad weather on Sunday.

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The wind is already strong in Slovakia for several hours, only in the east, according to meteorologists, the wind is weaker in some places. “In western Slovakia, gusts of wind in some places reach 80 to 105 kilometers per hour, in central Slovakia and Spiš mostly 60 to 80 kilometers per hour,” specified by SHMÚ.

Updated at 14:45

The highest level of warning against strong winds already applies in several districts in western Slovakia. In Pezinok, Nitra, Hlohovec, Piešťany and Trnava, the wind can reach a speed of up to 120 kilometers per hour. The third level warning is valid until 18.00. The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) informs about it on the web.

According to meteorologists, the expected wind speed is extremely high at a given time of year and area and poses a danger to human activities. “The probability of extraordinary damage and endangerment of human lives is very high,” notifies SHMÚ.

Firefighters in the Bratislava region

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Source: Facebook / Police of the Slovak Republic – Bratislava region

Updated at 14:01

On Sunday, firefighters in the Žilina Region removed the consequences of a strong wind during eight interventions. According to the director of the Regional Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) in Žilina, Jaroslav Kapusniak, they do not record any injuries yet.

He added that in Ružomberok, firefighters used climbing equipment to remove the loose roof from the summer terrace. “They laid the roof measuring ten times two meters in a safe place. The firefighters from Čadca went to Čierny, where the roof is blown away at the medical center.” The interventions in the area of ​​Liptov, Turca and Kysúc mostly involved cutting the tree. “We’re doing this in collaboration with local volunteer fire brigades,” added Kapusniak.

Updated at 13:56

Extremely strong wind also affects train traffic in Slovakia. The Slovak Railway Company (ZSSK) is currently reporting an interrupted train service between Kút and Czech Lanžhot. The reason is a fallen tree on the track and a fault in the overhead contact line.

For this event, passenger train 2478 on the route between Kút and Skalica was replaced by an alternative bus service. The EuroCity 130 train on the Budapest-Teraspol route is canceled on the Kúty – Břeclav section. “Passengers in the direction of Brno, Prague and beyond can use REX trains to Vienna. From Vienna, use long-distance trains in the direction of Břeclav via Hohenau. The same applies from the direction of Prague, Brno,” informs ZSSK.

Updated at 13:50

The first situational stage in connection with unfavorable weather was announced by the Administration and Maintenance of Roads of the Prešov Self-Governing Region (SÚC PSK), Poprad Region. Marcel Polomský, its director, said so. According to the Regional Directorate of the Police Force (KR PZ) in Prešov, the situation is the worst in the districts of Poprad and Kežmarok, while they also temporarily closed the road I / 66 – Ždiar in the direction of Strednice. Drivers are encouraged to postpone travel.

Road users also join the challenge. Drivers are asked to limit trips and delays as much as possible until the weather is more favorable. “The wind is rising and snowing for almost two days, although not all the time, but it is enough for it to blow and cover the roads. Snow tongues are forming and visibility will worsen with the gradual loss of daylight. ” Polomský explained, adding that road users are constantly in the field. He stressed that it is especially challenging in such weather.

Updated at 12:20

A strong wind tore down the roof of a building in the center of Spišská Belá in the Kežmarok district. This was stated by the operational officer of the Regional Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Corps in Prešov, stating that they recorded three trips directly related to bad weather. “The roof was torn down from the shop at the main crossroads, endangering pedestrians and vehicles because it hung over the sidewalk and over the road. In the cadastre of Tatranská Lomnica, firefighters intervened for a fallen tree on the road, for the same reason in the town of Kežmarok, “ said the operations officer.

They also record several minor traffic accidents. As he stressed, road collisions are not a direct result of the weather. He reminded that drivers must take into account the condition of the road and their abilities, and it is important to adapt the driving accordingly.

Updated at 12:11 PM

So far, Bratislava firefighters have completed seven exits due to the strong gust of wind that hit the territory of Slovakia. They informed about it from the Operational Center of the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) in Bratislava. “Members of district directorates and members of voluntary fire brigades intervened in Malacky and Pezinok,” approached HaZZ.

Updated at 11:10 AM

On the way from Malaciek to the village of Veľké Leváre, a tree fell on a gas pipeline due to strong winds. At the moment, gas is leaking from it, firefighters and police are intervening here. The section is currently impassable from all sides. “Estimated traffic restriction time is two hours,” said the Bratislava regional police on the social network. The fall of the tree due to strong winds is also recorded by the police on the D2 motorway in the direction of Bratislava for 31 kilometers.

“The section has a passable right lane and only a partially passable left lane. There is a police patrol on the spot. There was no personal injury.” police said. He urges drivers to increase their caution and attention due to bad weather on Sundays.

The ministry issued recommendations

Firefighters, together with the crisis management of the Ministry of the Interior, advise not to park cars in strong winds under trees, electric poles and masts or billboards. “Before the arrival of the wind, preventive measures must be taken at home, windows and doors must be closed and secured, and objects that could fall and endanger the environment (garden furniture, flower pots, tools, glass or sheet metal objects) must be fixed in the garden, terrace or balcony. ” specified in the recommendations.

They also advise to create a temporary refuge for animals living in the yard, as objects moving under the influence of the wind can harm them. People are advised to stay in safe places, limit driving, avoid moving in the mountains and walks in the woods and parks. When driving, drivers should prefer a slow ride in the vehicle, which can be overturned by strong gusts of wind.

Strong in office

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Source: SHMÚ

“Contact with fallen electric poles and wires should be avoided. If the car hits a tree or a branch, contact the emergency line.” informs the Ministry of the Interior. According to him, people should monitor the weather situation from the safety of their home, and in no case explore the terrain. “Keep in mind that life has the highest value, then property.” the ministry noted.

The 3rd level of warning applies in the Tatras

Slovakia will be hit by an extremely strong wind on Sunday, which will blow almost all over the country. Meteorologists advise people to consider the need to stay and move outside and to move their leisure activities to another day. The highest warning applies in the Tatras – 3rd degree. The wind here reaches the force of a mighty storm, while the hurricane is not excluded.

In the mountains of the Žilina, Banská Bystrica and Prešov regions, the wind can reach an average speed of 110 in places from about 1,700 meters above sea level and in short gusts of 160 to 180 kilometers per hour. The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) therefore issued a third-degree warning in the districts of Tvrdošín, Ružomberok, Banská Bystrica, Brezno, Liptovský Mikuláš and Poprad.

“The expected wind speed is extremely high and poses a great danger, especially for hiking and mountaineering,” meteorologists warn. The Mountain Rescue Service on the social network specified that such an extremely strong wind in the mountains is expected in the mountains of the Western, High and Low Tatras. The second level of warning against strong winds in the mountains applies in the districts of Dolný Kubín, Námestovo, Martin, Žilina and Turčianske Teplice. The wind here above the forest can reach an average speed of 90 to 105, or short-term gusts of 135 to 160 kilometers per hour. Such wind speeds pose an increased danger, especially for hiking and climbing.

They also warn against snowfall

The first level of wind warning in the mountains is announced in the Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Trenčín and Košice regions. The wind in the local mountains and especially on their ridges can reach an average speed of 45 to 85 and short-term in gusts of 65 to 135 kilometers per hour.

With a strong wind, it is necessary to count under the mountains on Sunday. A second-level warning applies to the Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra and Trenčín regions as well as to the Poprad and Brezno districts. The wind here can reach an average speed of 60 and in short gusts a speed of 85 to 105 kilometers per hour. SHMÚ warns that the probability of causing damage in such strong winds is high. Strong winds will also blow in most of central and eastern Slovakia, where the wind can reach short-term gusts of 65 to 85 kilometers per hour.

Meteorologists also warn against snowfall in the Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Trenčín, Prešov and Košice regions, where in some places it can fall from 10 to 40 centimeters of snow. Snowdrifts and tongues can also form on the roads. The SHMÚ issued a second-level warning in the Žilina, Banská Bystrica and Prešov regions. The probability of causing damage by the above-average formation of snowdrifts and tongues is high here. The first level of warnings applies in the Trenčín and Košice regions.

There is a strong wind in Slovakia: A torn roof and a gas leak! The ministry issued recommendations

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