EXCLUSIVE – Presidential 2022: discover the first results of our new daily poll – LCI

BAROMETER – Every day until the presidential election, Ifop-Fiducial measures exclusively and in real time for LCI, Paris-Match and Sud Radio, the score that the candidates would collect in the first and second rounds of the ballot. Here are the results for Monday, January 10.

Who is in the lead? Who takes the advantage on the left? Who loses points? Every day until the ballot, thanks to its partner Ifop-Fidicual, LCI offers a real-time photograph of the balance of power between the presidential candidates. The results of this “rolling”, published every day at 5 pm, allow throughout the campaign to have a more precise idea of ​​the evolution of the candidates’ scores. Here is the first wave of results, this Monday, January 10, ninety days before the first round.

If the presidential election took place next Sunday, what would be the voting intentions of the French in the first round (assumption without Christiane Taubira), from the best to the least good score:

– Emmanuel Macron, 27%

– Marine Le Pen, 17.5%

– Valérie Pécresse, 15.5%

– Eric Zemmour, 12.5%

– Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 9.5%

– Yannick Jadot, 6%

– Anne Hidalgo, 4%

– Fabien Roussel, 2.5%

– Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, 2%

– Philippe Poutou, 1%

– Jean Lassalle, 1%

– Nathalie Arthaud, 0.5%

– Arnaud Montebourg, 0.5%

– Hélène Thouy, 0.5%

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Presidential election 2022

Christiane Taubira and Anne Hidalgo neck and neck

If the presidential election took place next Sunday, what would be the voting intentions of the French in the first round (hypothesis with Christiane Taubira), from the best to the least good score:

– Emmanuel Macron, 26%

– Marine Le Pen, 17%

– Valérie Pécresse, 16%

– Eric Zemmour, 12.5%

– Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 8.5%

– Yannick Jadot, 5.5%

– Anne Hidalgo, 3.5%

– Christiane Taubira, 3.5%

– Fabien Roussel, 2%

– Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, 2%

– Philippe Poutou, 1%

– Jean Lassalle, 1%

– Nathalie Arthaud, 0.5%

– Arnaud Montebourg, 0.5%

– Hélène Thouy, 0.5%

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In the second round, in the event of a clash between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, in a 2017 remake, the current President of the Republic would win with 58% of the vote. Facing Valérie Pécresse, he would be elected with 54% of the vote.

Also note: 65% of voters plan to vote in the first round of the presidential election.

Methodology : A “rolling” survey is a continuous survey carried out on the principle of a sliding accumulation of waves of daily surveys: the survey wave of the day is cumulated with the waves of the two previous days as part of an aggregating sample in total nearly 1,500 people. The survey was carried out on a sample of 1,502 people, representative of the population residing in metropolitan France aged 18 and over, according to the quota method. Interviews were conducted by self-administered online questionnaire from January 6 to 10, 2022.

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