12 questions and answers about yoga: a philosophy that is more than standing on your head

(CNN Spanish) – Discovering your individual purpose, being happy, and serving others seem like three simple universal goals, but in practice they are difficult to achieve, so much so that most people can hardly achieve it in a lifetime. The practice of yoga is one of the ways to achieve this and reach its ultimate goal enlightenment, according to the ancient Vedic scriptures.

Yoga means the union of the spirit, mind and body, according to the texts of the Bhagavad-Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This philosophy of life teaches that, through meditation, physical practice (what is known as asanas) Self-knowledge, service to others and devotion to God, you can achieve this union that is within all human beings, but once they grow it begins to dissolve, due to the experiences of life.

The United Nations decreed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, a practice that began in India more than 5,000 years ago, and is currently performed on all continents.

Yoga is expanding and fashionable in the West, so much so that in 2016 in the United States alone it moved $ 16,000 in the industry related to classes, clothing, equipment and workshops, according to a study published by the magazine Yoga Journal and the organization Yoga Alliance last year. Likewise, the number of followers in the country went from 20.4 million to 36.7 million from 2012 to 2016, the investigation highlighted.

Curiosity is always a good excuse to explore what for many is a hobby, an exercise, a way of socializing or their lifestyle.

Who can practice yoga?

Anjaneyasana (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

Anyone can do yoga, regardless of age, gender, weight, social class, or religion. All it takes to get started is a willingness and desire to learn ah! and a mat or mat. This is a unique process where each person must be attentive to the limitations of their own body without getting discouraged, in addition to being patient with the poses, since everything is progressive.

Why is it necessary to learn to breathe?

Pranayama (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

Breathing is the main tool because it will allow the person to guide their body through the poses with each inhalation and exhalation. When the practitioner is focused on their breathing, movements flow better, injuries are prevented, and thoughts are calmed. This is the first step to meditation, as physical practice is just a preparation for spending hours sitting in meditation.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Virabhadrasana II (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

They are dozens of physical and mental benefits that brings constant practice. Stabilizes blood pressure, increases flexibility, balance, muscle tone, facilitates digestion, improves posture and reduces back pain, to name a few. Likewise, it improves the quality of sleep, increases memory, relaxes, promotes self-confidence and self-esteem, compassion for other beings, empathy, patience, and optimism. Oh, and although it is not its ultimate goal, although some may seek it, it marks the squares of the abs.

Can only flexible people do yoga?

Balasana (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

Flexibility is a result of constant yoga practice, it is not a condition for doing it. Therefore, those who have difficulty moving their limbs will gradually advance. There are basic postures like Balasana, Pose of the Child, which help to open the hips to some much more advanced such as Kapotasana, Camel Pose, where more flexibility is needed in the spine and hips.

How to make investments? Head and hand stops

Sirsana (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

It takes physical and mental preparation to put your head where your feet go and be there like nothing else. For some it may be difficult because flexibility and strength are needed in the shoulders, back and abdomen, but it is also challenging because it confronts the person with the fear of falling, of failing. As many teachers say in class “if you fall, get up.” Yoga is a philosophy of life that is inexhaustible and endless.

How many types of yoga are there?

Urdva Dhanurasan (Credit: Claudia Fonseca)

There are several types of yoga, but according to ancient texts such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali stand out: Hatha Yoga, which refers to the purification of the body through physical exercises. It is the most common because it is associated with various physical practices. Bhakti Yoga is that which is expressed through devotion and adoration to God. Karma Yoga refers to unconditional service to other beings. Gñana Yoga refers to self-knowledge, discernment and the study of philosophical texts. Raja Yoga comprises eight precepts of life to achieve self-realization.

Do you have to be vegetarian or vegan?

Food is a part of the yogi lifestyle, since one of the principles of this philosophy is that of non-violence or no harm to other living beings, which in Sanskrit is known as Ahimsa. Consuming products of animal origin, in a certain way, transgresses this thought because a living being was subjected to physical suffering and died to feed a person. However, it is not a condition, no one should be rejected in any yoga class for being a carnivore.

What are the basic yoga movements?

To start a basic practice, in addition to the mat, comfortable clothes, being barefoot and ready, you can do what is known as Greetings to the Sun. They are simple stretches that combine breathing with flexion of the legs and balance.

Is yoga recommended for older adults?

(DON EMMERT / AFP / Getty Images)

Yes, as it helps them with their flexibility and balance. It is ideal if they are guided by an expert and the exercises are not so intense.

Does yoga accept the existence of karma?

(Credit: GOH CHAI HIN / AFP / Getty Images)

Yes, it is one of the laws on which this philosophy is founded: every action generates a good, harmful or neutral reaction. They emphasize acting kindly towards all sentient beings because it will return. When ?, you never know. Actions that are thought to be harmless such as criticizing, lying or making fun of someone also count in this circle that everything that goes, comes back.

Can only thin people practice yoga?

False, yoga is an inclusive practice. The movement of instructors, like Jessamyn Stanley, who inspire obese or overweight people to stand on the mat with pride is becoming more and more noticeable. They show that being voluptuous is not an impediment to challenging poses that require a lot of flexibility.

Can it be done without an instructor?

(Credit: DON EMMERT / AFP / Getty Images)

When you are a beginner, it is advisable to do it with a certified teacher who can guide the person, since he is prepared to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the student in order to adapt the practice as best as possible. There are also classes on YouTube, but it is advisable to do it in parallel with an expert. In addition, the reading that delves into yogi philosophy.

Editor’s note: This note was originally published in 2017 and then updated in 2019 and 2021.