Great relaxation of measures: Under these conditions, you can have lunch, dinner or beer with friends indoors from Monday – REFRESHER

Finance Minister and Prime Minister Igor Matovic warns that the planned release may not be an appropriate solution. “I’m a little worried that in the short term it will be a dance on the upper deck of the Titanic, but in the end in mid-January we will be glad we are happy.” says Matovic.

Boss We are a family Boris Kolár thinks that it is important for the government to communicate measures in advance, Richard Sulík is of the opinion that there is no need to make science out of the omicron yet.

Despite everything, the government is releasing measures according to the plan, although the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský warns that at the turn of January and February 2022, the peak of the fourth wave may come, which will be accompanied by overcrowded hospitals.

From January 3, restaurants will be opened under stricter conditions for the vaccinated and those who have survived the coronavirus. The government plans to open more operations on January 9.

We open restaurants, but …

Following the decision of the Government of the Slovak Republic, with effect from 3 January 2022, the possibility of providing services for public catering establishments is being expanded, including cafes, bars and inns (pubs).

They will also be able to be opened for consumption on the spot, and only for persons in the OP regime.

Operating conditions:

  • control of OP licenses,
  • maximum occupancy 50 percent of the facility’s capacity,
  • the consumption of food or beverages should be made possible only by sittings in order to ensure a controlled separation of persons,
  • occupancy of one table a maximum of 4 people or people from one household,
  • ensure a distance of 2 meters between the tables.

Establishments may continue to operate in base mode by dispensing takeaway food and drink. The maximum capacity of 50 percent does not apply to company, school and similar canteens.

At the same time, the trip to the facilities is not among the exceptions to the curfew, so Slovaks will be able to visit bars or cafes only until 20.00.

Source: TASR

Nobody knows what will happen after January 9th

The Ministry of Health has announced that the current curfew with exemptions will apply until 9 January. At that time, primary school pupils and secondary school students should also return to school. The rest of the measures are still in sight, as early as in December, for example, the Tourism Association complained.

The union has demanded the publication of clear criteria for which the covid slot machine or a series of other measures will again apply, according to which, for example, ski resorts or hotels living from tourism will be able to operate. “Even after the briefing of government officials, it is not clear what rules and measures we will follow after January 9, 2022, ie during the winter tourist season. The basic questions of when and under what circumstances the covid automat will be applied again are not answered. “ they complained.

The government last met on Wednesday, December 30, but the new measures were probably not actively pursued, probably also due to the absence of Minister Lengvarski, who underwent a private trip abroad.

Prime Minister Eduard Heger claims that Lengvarsky is “the most important player” when it comes to creating pandemic measures. According to his own words, he covers the back of the head of the health department.

Lengvarsky expects the peak of the fourth wave in a few weeks, he would not rush with a covid automaton

The Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský expects that the peak of the fourth wave of the pandemic will be in Slovakia at the turn of January and February. It is caused by a new variant of omicron.

According to him, the current information that the minister has says that the speed of the spread of the omicron will be very high. He admitted that there is still little data available for this variant. “What we do know, however, is that our population is not vaccinated enough. This means that the sensitivity of a large part of the population, especially the elderly, is high, either on the delta or on the omicron. There is a risk of filling hospitals. “

According to the minister, studies available to current experts show that vaccination with the third dose against covid-19 protects 90 percent. At the same time, Lengvarský states that companies producing vaccines have already begun to focus on new variants.

Even with the vaccinations, the minister is not currently considering the introduction of a new covid machine that would take into account the current situation, he thinks that we must first overcome the wave of omicrons, and then address the regional distribution of measures. He won’t be in a hurry with the new slot machine. According to the Minister, the method of managing the pandemic within the measures is currently more comfortable from the point of view of the state, which can open or close what it needs.

However, Lengvarský has already outlined that the new covid machine will also count on jokers for individual districts according to vaccination coverage over 50 years, as has been the case so far.

According to Lengvarský, the whole thing is to get the healthcare system to a state where it will not be necessary to move standard services to the second track. “We also want to do standard white medicine, because patients who have covid pneumonia will either be cured or end up fatal for them.”

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