Mathematician Kollár evaluates the situation: Omikron does not mean that he will be well here, we have a problem – Startitup

Several experts claim that omikron brings positive news. The mathematician Richard Kollár also points out this, but adds that the omikron scenario is delayed by about 2 to 3 weeks for Slovakia.

The expert refers to Chris Hopson, who heads the hospital system in the UK. That on Twitter states that the burden on hospitals is much greater than expected. This is due to the rapid growth of new infections, which is combined with huge outages for vaccinated hospital staff. Another problem is the busy medical staff, who currently work almost non-stop with minimal rest time.

In his paper, Kollár further points out that despite the fact that omicron cases are milder, hospital beds are still necessary. The ideal scenario for hospitals would be faster patient redundancies, but this is not yet possible. Accelerated patient redundancies are not expected in the near future. This is due to the significantly limited capacity of sanitary facilities.

“Omicron has fewer serious conditions, there is not much demand for artificial lung ventilation, but this is because they do not see much income in old age or among DSS clients (because they are all well vaccinated, probably with a fresh booster),” writes mathematician.

Day O14 – New YearSo the New Year brought information that quite accurately describes the optimistic scenario for Slovakia,…

Posted by Richard Kollar on Saturday, January 1, 2022

According to Kollár, field hospitals are currently proving to be useful. Demand for these facilities will be quite high, and if they do not, hospitals could refuse patients on admission. These facilities can help relieve hospitals, but it is necessary to use all the reserves of the entire hospital system.

Slovakia is also preparing for omicron. Before Christmas, the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský announced that new facilities should be created after the New Year in which patients will be sorted. According to Lengvarsky, the state has about 5 to 6 weeks to prepare these facilities. The reason for this idea is the expected increased increase in hospitalizations in the new year.

source: TASR / AP / Thibault Camus

Abroad, the situation is complicated

As the portal states Bloomberg, omicron has brought an excessive number of child hospitalizations to the United States. The local government therefore reminds that children should also be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of new hospitalizations increased by as much as 66% and stopped at 378 per day. A similar situation occurred in the country in September, when hospitals admitted 342 patients a day.

Kollár adds that the situation is deteriorating in China as well. It refers to the portal Al Jazeera, according to which the country can very quickly become an adept at the birthplace of a new mutation. Although strict measures are in place in the country, it still entered 2022 with an enormous number of infections.

This situation in China does not help even chip manufacturers, who are currently experiencing extremely difficult times. According to CNN strict measures hinder the activities of the two chip manufacturers. The chip crisis should continue in 2022. This was stated by the incoming head of the German company Bosch Stefan Hartung, who was quoted by the TASR agency. It is therefore clear that the chip crisis is affecting not only China but also other countries.

Israeli fourth dose

According to SITA, Israel has approved the administration of the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccines for the most vulnerable people. This is especially true for people with a weakened immune system. “Israel will be the leader in giving the fourth vaccine to the Israeli people. Israel’s strategy for overcoming the variant omicron it’s clear: the bigger the wave, the more protection we will need to overcome it. “ stated in a statement by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

source: TASR / AP

Israel was among the first countries to start administering a coronavirus vaccine from the Pfizer-BioNTech consortium a year ago and boosting doses in the summer. However, it has faced a wave of infections caused by the more contagious variant of the coronavirus delta, and authorities warn against another wave caused by the extremely contagious variant. omicron.

Of Israel’s nearly 9.5 million people, about two-thirds have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and about 4.2 million Israelis have already been vaccinated with three doses, according to the health ministry.

Sources: Twitter, Facebook, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, TASR, SITA

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