In Austria and Germany, fireworks killed, in Slovakia balconies and containers also burned – REFRESHER

A total of two lives required unprofessional handling of fireworks. In addition, several people ended up with serious injuries.



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Source: TASR / Roman Hanc, TASR / Pavol Zachar

Only a 23-year-old died during New Year’s Eve celebrations near Vienna. Another, 2 years younger, suffered severe injuries. It happened after several people gathered in a meadow to detonate pyrotechnics.

Unfortunately, it didn’t explode immediately. Four people then approached her to verify her condition. Subsequently, however, there was an explosion. The remaining two members of the game ended up with minor injuries.

Other, unfortunately not fatal injuries associated with pyrotechnics also occurred in several parts of Austria, specifically in Tyrol, Salzburg, Carinthia and Burgenland.

Germany is also reporting one death. The 10-member group celebrated New Year in Hennef. Shortly after midnight, a pair of men aged 37 and 39 separated from the group. Shortly afterwards, according to witnesses, a very loud explosion was heard. Both men remained lying on the ground with severe injuries.

Despite the rescue attempts, the younger of them was no longer able to help and died on the spot. The second wounded man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. According to a local police spokesman, it was probably home-made firecrackers. The case is being investigated by the criminal police.

New Year’s Eve in Slovakia through the eyes of firefighters

Even Slovakia did not do without departures of rescue services. Firefighters on their Facebook inform that during New Year’s Eve until the next morning (7.00) they intervened a total of 126 times. In 84 cases. Technical events meant 42 trips, of which 14 were traffic accidents.

Of the 84 cases involving fires, as many as 39 were caused by fireworks. It was 13 times in the Bratislava region and 7 in the Trnava region.

Compared to last year, the number of fires increased by 45 cases. The total number of trips increased by 24. In the case of fireworks, trips increased by 12. Pyrotechnics caused mainly fires in containers and balconies. Unfortunately, in several cases, firefighters had to intervene in motor vehicle fires and even the roofs of a family house.

Rescuers have not experienced a similar occupancy for years

During New Year’s Eve, paramedics underwent the most interventions in recent years. Specifically 1702, which is 239 more than during the previous celebrations of the arrival of the new year. Alena Krčová, a spokeswoman for the Emergency Medical Service Operations Center, informed.

“The most common causes of trips were acute abdominal pain, difficulty breathing and deteriorating health in patients with cardiovascular disease.” she approached. The number of calls to the 155 emergency line was also higher, some of which were solved by operators through consultations.

As she stated, there were 32 interventions in accidents caused by unprofessional handling of fireworks, nine of them in the Žilina Region. “The youngest patient was a 13-year-old boy from the Prešov region who had a firecracker exploded in his hands, fortunately without devastating injuries. There was no need for transport to the hospital and the teenager was treated on site. “ she said.

All pyrotechnic-related cases handled by the emergency medical service resulted in minor to moderate injuries. No case ended fatally. According to her, severe alcohol poisoning is one of the common causes of New Year’s Eve interventions. “Rescuers helped in this connection in 51 cases, six of them children. The sad leadership in this direction belongs to the Banská Bystrica region, where rescuers helped up to 11 people with alcohol intoxication, “ she pointed out.

According to her, the youngest patient who got drunk by falling unconscious was a 13-year-old boy from the Banská Bystrica region. “Due to a serious medical condition, he had to be taken to hospital.” added Krčová.

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Preview image: TASR / Roman Hanc, TASR / Pavol Zachar

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