The president of Peru, Francisco Sagasti, says that it is unacceptable to incite the armed forces. to break the rule of law

(CNN Spanish) – The interim president of Peru, Francisco Sagasti, asked the Public Ministry this Friday to investigate a letter that the high command of the Armed Forces has received, and that has been disclosed by social networks, where it is suggested that Sagasti has violated the principle of neutrality favoring a candidate.

During his speech, Sagasti asked the Armed Forces to be neutral and to respect the Constitution. In addition, he asked the citizens to remain calm.

«In a democracy the Armed Forces are not deliberative. They are absolutely neutral and are scrupulously respectful of the Constitution, “said the president during a three-minute televised message.

The president, who was accompanied by the head of the Ministerial Cabinet and the Minister of Defense, described as unacceptable that alleged former members of the armed forces try to destabilize the country.