Helicopter crashes into the sea in Madagascar, minister swims for 12 hours and is saved

The helicopter crashes into the sea, he is saved after swimming ” for twelve hours ”. It happened in Magadascar, protagonist a government minister. “My time to die has not yet come,” said Minister Serge Gelle, 57, lying on a stretcher to the police who rescued him. Another Madagascar security official who was traveling with Gelle also survived the crash. The helicopter pilot and another officer on board are missing. Speaking cold, Gelle explained that the helicopter he was traveling in lost control after a strong gust of wind and that he was saved after swimming from “7.30 last night until 7.30 this morning” arriving in Mahambo. After thirty years of police service, Gelle was appointed minister in August. The crashed helicopter was engaged on a reconnaissance mission after the report of a shipwreck in the north east of the country. According to the local Maritime Agency, the death toll of the shipwreck is 64 dead, to which must be added at least another twenty missing. On the other hand, 45 survivors were rescued. The President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina expressed on Twitter “deep sadness for the shipwreck off the coast of Antsiraka and for its terrible toll” proclaiming “national mourning for the day of 23 December”.

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