Mathematician Kollár: There have been rumors about millions overwhelmed. Slovakia does not expect a miracle –

Dec 21, 2021 at 10:03 p.m. I Paid content

They showed the results of a study on antibodies in the unvaccinated.

As many as 900,000 people in Slovakia are not protected by anti-covid antibodies from vaccination or from overcoming the disease, the mathematician estimates RICHARD KOLLÁR The first study of antibodies conducted by scientists in Slovakia showed that more than half of unvaccinated people do not have antibodies in our country.

The study showed that Slovakia is not as protected from overthrow as some thought. She confirmed that overcoming covid does not mean that one has enough antibodies to protect against another infection. coronavirus.

In October, you told me that half a million to 700,000 people in Slovakia can easily become infected because they have never met him and are not vaccinated. But the study you were part of showed that there were up to a million of them. So are we worse than you expected?

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This is a complicated question because immunity is lost in humans over time. About half a year after the infection, the antibodies fall below the level we can already detect.

So we don’t just work with the number of people who add to our statistics because they get infected, but also the number of people who lose antibodies.

In fact, the first estimate of 700,000 people from September was underestimated, it was based only on very rough data spread among children in schools. The correct estimate at the time was that we had a little over a million people in Slovakia at the time who could easily become infected. delta variant of the virus.

Now, according to my estimates, there are between 800,000 and 900,000. Not all of them were
able to infect the delta variant from their contacts. However omicron it can infect them, it is more infectious.

It is a little less than calculated by Matej Mišík (Director of the Institute of Medical Analyzes, note red.), which speaks of a million people without antibodies. Its calculation is correct, but I already take into account, for example, that some time has passed since the data was collected.

So we still have 800- to 900-thousand people in Slovakia who are sure to get infected with omicron, because they are not protected at all?

Even worse. This is a group of people who have a chance to get to the hospitals in this wave. It is the group of people that will primarily determine the burden on our health care system.