You are balancing on the brink of war. Russia raises a warning finger towards NATO – REFRESHER

Russia’s deputy foreign minister said NATO’s actions were increasingly provocative.



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Russia may take new measures to ensure its security if the United States and its allies continue to engage in provocative actions and ignore Moscow’s demand for guarantees to prevent NATO’s expansion into Ukraine, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov said on Saturday.

They push the boundaries of what is possible

According to the AP, Riabkov’s statement in an interview with Interfax came a day after Moscow submitted draft security documents demanding that NATO not allow membership in its ranks to Ukraine and other former Soviet countries and to cancel the accumulation of its forces in Central and Eastern Europe.

According to the AP, these are bold ultimatums, which the US and its allies will almost certainly reject. “They push the boundaries of what is possible.” Riabkov told Interfax in response to a question about the threat of new severe sanctions against Moscow by the West.

Source: TASR

“However, they are not considering taking care of our security and acting in a manner similar to NATO’s logic, and sooner or later we will begin to push the boundaries of what is possible. We will find all the necessary ways, means and solutions needed to ensure our security. “ Riabkov said. However, he did not specify what steps Russia could take if the West rejected its demands.

Balancing on the brink of war

According to the AP, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed on Friday that any security talks with Moscow will have to take into account the Alliance’s concerns and involve Ukraine and other partners in resolving the situation. The White House similarly said it was discussing the proposals with its allies and partners, but noted that all countries have the right to determine their future without outside interference.

Riabkov noted that NATO’s actions were increasingly provocative, describing them as “balancing on the brink of war.” He added that Russia wants to hear the West’s response before taking action. “We do not want a conflict. We want to reach an agreement on a reasonable basis, ” he explained.

“Before making any conclusions about what to do next and what steps could be taken, we need to make sure the answer is no. I hope the response will be relatively constructive and we will engage in talks. “ said Riabkov.

According to him, the deployment of NATO troops near Russia – in the Baltic and Black Sea regions – undermines Russia’s main security interests and “no one should underestimate Moscow’s determination to protect its national security interests.”

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