The police intervened in Štefan Hríb’s company in the center of Bratislava. The journalist claims that this is a misunderstanding –

18. 12. 2021 13:58, the article was updated 18. 12. 2021 19:03 | BRATISLAVA / TASR

They detained both the employee and the owner.

Štefan Hríb.
Photo: TASR

In the center of Bratislava, on Partizánská Street, the police discovered a company violating anti-pandemic measures on Friday (December 17) after 10 pm. Inside sat guests drinking alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. In this incident, both the employee and the business owner were restricted in their personal liberty and released after the hearing. In this case, the police have been prosecuted for the crime of breach of duty in a crisis situation.

According to police photos, this is the Klub pod lampou company, run by the well-known journalist Štefan Hríb. Just before this operation, MP Juraj Šeliga (For People) smoked during the curfew in May. Following the publication of the photographs, he resigned as Vice-President of Parliament.

Inside the company, police officers observed eight people who drank various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. “The police instructed these persons that they were suspected of committing an offense within the meaning of the Civil Protection Act and called on them to pay a block fine. Szeiff.

Police intervention in an open enterprise.

Police intervention in an open enterprise. Photo: Facebook / Slovak Police – Bratislava Region

The employee of the company was restricted by personal police on the spot and taken to the police department. The owner of the operation also came to the police, whose police also restricted personal liberty. “Both people were released after hearing and performing the necessary actions,” Szeiff said, adding that criminal proceedings had been instituted.

Štefan Hríb for the SME daily he said it was a misunderstanding, which he explained to the police. The operation was allegedly closed to the public. “Even during this wave of the pandemic, we are preparing various artistic and discussion formats for online broadcasting in the artistic part of the Club under the Lamp. So it was yesterday, “he responded.

Police intervention in an open enterprise.

Police intervention in an open enterprise. Photo: facebook / Police of the Slovak Republic – Bratislava region

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