Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Guadeloupe to discuss with striking caregivers against the vaccine obligation – archyworldys

This is an important campaign move for the candidate of La France insoumise (LFI) in the presidential election. Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been traveling to Guadeloupe since Tuesday, December 14, the island where he came in second (24%) in the first round of the 2017 presidential election, behind Emmanuel Macron (30%).

On Wednesday, he met members of the nursing staff of the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital on strike against the compulsory vaccination. Opposed to the vaccination obligation and the health pass but favorable to vaccination, Mr. Mélenchon launched to them, in recognition of their mobilization: “Here is Guadeloupe, people do not let themselves be subdued! “

“A third of hospital caregivers are threatened with suspension on December 31”, summarized a trade unionist on the spot, while the implementation of the measure was postponed from November 15 to December 31 due to the social crisis and the violence that affected the island in November. On Wednesday, the regional health agency (ARS) reported 900 staff suspensions subject to compulsory vaccination in Guadeloupe out of around 10,000 people – including administrative and technical staff. “The territory is above 90% compliance to date”, details the ARS.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s last campaign

“It’s not for me to tell you what to do”

The LFI candidate wished to show that he was in tune with the mistrust of many Guadeloupeans opposed to the government’s health policy. “I who am experienced in public management, this is the first time that I see such chaos, such a stubborn and irresponsible refusal” from the authorities, he said.

Accompanied on the hospital picket line by the president of the LFI group of deputies, Mathilde Panot, and by MEP Manuel Bompard, Mr. Mélenchon spoke with many caregivers by taking “Precautions” assumed. “It is not for me to tell you what to do, I know the precautions to be taken with regard to a mass movement”, he thus advanced.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers In Guadeloupe and Martinique, reluctance towards the vaccine is mixed with mistrust of the word of the State

While stressing that he was vaccinated, Jean-Luc Mélenchon remained cautious in the exchanges, justifying in front of the media the need to convince rather than to coerce and explaining the existence of a legitimate distrust: “We can deplore it, but we do not manage people like things. ” According to him, “The origin of mistrust is chlordecone, lies [des autorités] is in people’s bodies. Convincing is therefore more difficult, you must not go there with a bang ”, he exclaimed.

Emergency plan for water

In addition to this meeting, the candidate tackled the problem of drinking water in the local media, promising an emergency plan on this subject if he was elected President of the Republic next April. Wednesday evening, he was to hold a meeting in the seaside resort of Gosier. To strengthen its base in the Overseas, the candidate will travel to Martinique on Friday.

Read our report: Article reserved for our subscribers “With us, water is an accident”: in Guadeloupe, the inhabitants are tired of the shortcomings of the drinking water network

On his arrival on the island on Tuesday, Mr. Mélenchon also mocked Emmanuel Macron, “Threatened with stagnation” according to him, because of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFUE), starting at the beginning of January and strongly criticized by the opposition because of its superposition with the presidential election, as well as its competition with the candidate Les Republicans, Valérie Pécresse. Opposed to the head of state’s television interview scheduled for Wednesday evening on TF1 and LCI, the MP added: “We’re going to be bored to death. “

The LFI candidate is not the only contender for the Elysée to travel to the Overseas Territories before the end of the year holidays : the communist Fabien Roussel will go to Reunion from December 16 to 21 and Marine Le Pen will fly Thursday to Mayotte then Reunion.

Updated December 15 at 11 p.m. Fixed the source of the number on the number of hospital caregivers threatened with suspension.

The World with AFP

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