Emmanuel Macron on TF1 and LCI: “We are almost at the vaccine obligation” against Covid-19 – LCI

VACCINATION – Guest of TF1 and LCI this Wednesday, the President of the Republic did not rule out making vaccination against Covid-19 compulsory. And opens the door to annual reminders.

Will the 5.7 million French people over 12 years old still unvaccinated against Covid-19 have to be forced to receive the vaccine? Invited by TF1 and LCI this Wednesday, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron did not rule out this possibility. “It is quite possible, this hypothesis exists”, answers the Head of State.

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Emmanuel Macron where is France going

But according to him, this situation is almost already topical. “We are almost at the vaccination obligation”, he continues. “90% of people of age to be vaccinated” have already been, he points out. Sufficient to enshrine it in law? “We will look pragmatically in the coming weeks”, assures Emmanuel Macron.

An annual reminder against Covid-19? “Probable”

While the recall campaign has intensified in recent days, the President of the Republic is also opening the door to an annual vaccination against Covid-19. “It is likely that we will go towards regular reminders”, declares the head of state. “This virus adapts, tries to bypass our barriers, with new variants. Sometimes these variants resist a little better” vaccines, continues Emmanuel Macron, like the Omicron variant, which could soon become the majority in France.

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For the President of the Republic, a “another type of booster, which adapts to these variants”, should see the light of day. “It’s a bit like what we do every year with the flu”, he justifies. “Each year, she comes back with a slightly different form, you have to be revaccinated to have the right protection with the form of influenza of the current year”, recalls Emmanuel Macron. “It is likely that we are going towards that for this virus.”

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