Jean-Michel Aulas, president of OL, suspended for 10 matches after the incidents during the match against OM – archyde

The series following the interrupted match between Olympique Lyonnais (OL) and Olympique de Marseille (OM) continues. Meeting on Wednesday, December 15 in Paris, the disciplinary committee of the Professional Football League (LFP) sanctioned Jean-Michel Aulas with ten suspension matches, including five closed, from the sidelines, from the referees’ locker room and from all functions. official due to its ” behaviour ” during the match on November 21 against OM. At issue: remarks by the interested party recorded by the referee in his report to the League.

After the meeting is interrupted after four minutes – due to a bottle throwing from the stands of Groupama Stadium, OL’s lair, which hit Marseillais Dimitri Payet in the head – Mr. Aulas had requested, in vain, the resumption of the game.

“I am unfortunately part of the comex [le comité exécutif de la Fédération française de football, FFF] and it will not stop there “, he had then launched to the referee. Words that would have been “Taken out of context”, according to the president of OL. The Rhone club has already been penalized with a withdrawal of one point in the standings; the match will have to be replayed in Lyon, but behind closed doors.

Read Dimitri Payet’s op-ed: Article reserved for our subscribers “Do I have to stop taking corners? Do I have to stop playing football? Tell me “

“A professional in football politics”

These events were added to a long list of incidents in Ligue 1 (L1) stadiums since the start of the season, pushing football players to act. On Thursday, the government is to bring together French football leaders to announce measures.

President of OL for 34 years, Mr. Aulas is a key figure in French football. But the 2021-2022 season is difficult, between a thirteenth place in the standings and the departure announced at the truce of the sports director, the Brazilian Juninho.

Mr. Aulas, “He is a professional in football politics”, points to an officer of a club from the top of the table in L1. “His communication is changeable, full of fake news, but he’s a professional. He has thirty-five years of experience. He imposes his truth. But he didn’t give a good image [le 21 novembre].

Enough to fuel the trial of the entrepreneur, sometimes accused of confusing the general interest and the particular interest of his club. A year and a half ago, he opposed – alone against almost all and without success – the decision taken by the FFF and the LFP to stop the championship on the government’s health instructions, when other leagues resumed. , as in Germany.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers After the incidents during the OL-OM match, French football in a state of emergency

In the first line

“Jean-Michel Aulas is interested in the mechanism of football. So obviously everyone says they only think about their club, but when you want to improve things, you look at what is good for your club and everyone benefits ”, confided Olivier Blanc, who was his close collaborator for more than thirty years, on a daily basis Progress.

In the past, the president of OL has led many fights: the listing on the stock exchange of French clubs, compensation for the provision of internationals (after an injury of Eric Abidal with the Blues) or professional status women and their remuneration. Until recently, Mr. Aulas rose to the forefront after the failing broadcaster Mediapro fiasco, publicly advocating for the arrival of new broadcasters… until Amazon suddenly burst.

His stance against a private European Super League, while he was close to Juventus Turin boss Andrea Agnelli, one of the project’s instigators, was welcomed by UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin .

Finally, Mr. Aulas is currently the only French club president to sit both in the federation, where he is part of the executive committee, and in the League as a representative of the FFF.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers “Good communicator”, “at the end of his reign”, “isolated”… Jean-Michel Aulas, the president of Olympique Lyonnais on a crusade against the stoppage of Ligue 1

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