Who is Richard Reid, known as the “Shoe Bomber”?

(CNN) – Richard Reid is also known as the “Shoe Bomber” due to his attempt to detonate explosives hidden in his running shoes during an American Airlines flight. He is serving a life sentence at the facilities of the United States’ Supreme Prison Administration in Florence, Colorado.

Here’s a look at the top facts about Reid.

Personal information

Date of birth: August 12, 1973

Place of birth: England

Birth name: Richard Colvin Reid.

Nickname: Shoe Bomber.

Other facts

Prosecutors believe Reid received training in Afghanistan from al Qaeda. They also believe that Reid had accomplices, but he claims to have acted alone.


1992-1996 – Reid is in and out of British prisons for minor offenses. Converts to Islam while in prison.

1998-1999 – Attends the same London mosque as Zacarias Moussaoui, convicted of a conspirator on September 11.

November 2001 – Travel to Pakistan.

December 5, 2001 – Travels to Brussels, Belgium. While there, Reid tells the Belgian authorities that he lost his British passport and the British embassy issues him a new one.

December 16, 2001 – Travel to Paris.

December 17, 2001 – Purchase a round-trip ticket from Paris to Miami to Antigua.

December 21, 2001 – He is questioned by airport officials after a security agent suspected that Reid had paid for his ticket in cash and is traveling without checking luggage. By the time Reid is cleared to board his flight, the plane has already left Paris.

December 22, 2001 – Boards American Airlines Flight 63, Paris to Miami. During the flight, Reid tries to use a match to ignite explosives hidden in his shoes. Passengers and crew immobilize him. The flight is diverted to Boston. Reid is arrested.

January 16, 2002 – “Shoe Bomber” is charged with nine counts, including attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, attempted murder of passengers on an airplane, and attempted murder of US citizens abroad.

January 18, 2002 – Pleads not guilty to eight charges. His lawyer asks the court to dismiss the ninth charge, attempted destruction of a mass transportation vehicle, which is dismissed.

October 4, 2002 – Declared guilty of the eight charges against him.

January 30, 2003 – He is sentenced to life imprisonment and fined $ 2 million.

October 4, 2004 – Saajid Mohammed Badat of the UK is charged with conspiring and aiding the “Shoe Bomber”. The British prosecution alleges that Badat and Reid obtained bespoke shoe bombs in Afghanistan to use to attack American interests.

February 28, 2005 – Badat pleads guilty to conspiring with Reid, the “Shoe Bomber”, to blow up an American plane.

April 22, 2005: Badat is sentenced to 13 years in prison. There is evidence that he had withdrawn from the plot.

2007 – Reid files a lawsuit against the government claiming that the special administrative measures (SAM) applied to him in prison violate his First Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of religion. The restrictions limit his access to news and correspondence and prohibit him from praying with other inmates.

June 2009 – The US Department of Justice relaxes the application of SAM to Reid. He continues his lawsuit, claiming that his First Amendment rights are still being violated.

2010 – Reid’s lawsuit regarding SAM’s application to him in prison is dismissed.