According to Sulík, if We are a family votes against reforms, it has nothing to do in the coalition –

According to Sulík, the health care reform passed only thanks to SaS.

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BRATISLAVA. If the We are a family movement Boris Kollár he is voting against key reforms, so he has nothing to do in the coalition. This was said live by the Minister of Economy and the party’s leader in today’s discussion program of Rádio Expres Braňo Závodský Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) Richard Sulík.

“I wouldn’t be in the coalition in his place,” he added.

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According to the head of the SaS, Kollár campaigned against the coalition during the health care reform. “It just surprises me that this Igor Matovic never mind. Now it’s a matter of sand honor, when we were against something, so he blamed us for playing with percentages, “Sulík said.

According to him, the health care reform passed only thanks to SaS. “On the one hand, we voted for it in the government, but also in the parliament. If it was not for the SaS, especially Jana Bittó Cigániková, the reform would not pass,” Sulík told Expres radio.

The Minister of Economy has not the slightest concern that the Minister of Health Vladimir Lengvarsky will do its utmost to make the reform work well in practice. “It will be decided on the basis of expert documents,” Sulík stated.