Jubillar case. Cédric’s companion in police custody, concealment of a corpse, search: what we know – toulouse news

Séverine, the new companion of Cédric Jubillar, was placed in police custody, this Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at the gendarmerie of Gaillac (Tarn), for complicity in the concealment of a corpse (© Laurent Derne / News Toulouse)

It’s a new thunderclap in the most publicized survey in France. A symbolic kick in an anthill made up of dozens of hypotheses, thousands of parts and hearing reports, some certainties too. A willingness to overturn the table, once and for all, from the gendarmes of the Toulouse research section (SR)?

A good deal of pressure?

By placing in custody Séverine, his new companion, to the gendarmerie of Gaillac (Tarn), investigators and investigating judges put pressure on the main support of Cedric Jubillar. And the fact that this event occurs on the anniversary of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in Cagnac-les-mines, is obviously not fortuitous.

Officially, Cédric has met Séverine during a fight citizen to find … his wife. It seems that he already knew the son of this forty-something. She is the one who does not doubt her innocence. A loving woman who defends him against all odds. Who goes so far as to organize a Leetchi jackpot decried on the networks so that Cédric can canteen in prison ! And improve his prison life in isolation.

Séverine’s house raided

This morning, the gendarmes of the Toulouse SR went call the young woman at her home in Lescure-d’Albigeois (Tarn), a handful of kilometers below Cagnac.

Capped with a double-sided roof, its recent house, is built on two levels. In the garden which encloses it at the back, protected by a laurel hedge, throne of the garden furniture of white and green plastic, on a tiny patch of lawn overlooked by a clothesline. The white PVC roller shutters are lowered, except upstairs.

Complicity in the concealment of a corpse

The places were searched. What were the gendarmes looking for? Nothing has filtered, for the moment, on this subject. But it’s good for “Complicity in the concealment of a corpse” that the young woman is auditioned. Which would suppose that their number one suspect, Cédric Jubillar, indicted for ” murder on spouse “, would have revealed to Séverine the place where he would have hidden Delphine’s body.

In turn, this police custody (surprise) puts pressure on Cédric Jubillar. By hypothesizing that the plaster craftsman has suppressed his wife, placing his new companion in the shoes of a supposed accomplice can bring him out of silence. Even recognize the facts, to spare Séverine infamy of the situation.

A liar poker move?

But in the absence of the 33 year old nurse body, a major piece of an always incomplete puzzle, the maneuvers of the day resemble a stroke of poker. Liar ? Winner?

According to our information, in addition to his new companion, six other people of Cédric Jubillar’s entourage would have is the subject of open hearings.

The only person entitled to speak at this stage of the investigation, the Toulouse public prosecutor’s office indicated that he would not do “No communication on this subject”. Tonight, Séverine’s custody continues. It can stretch for up to 48 hours.

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