SNCF strike: “very degraded” traffic expected on the south-eastern TGV axis this weekend – Le HuffPost

Benoit Tessier / Reuters

The notice to strike for the weekend of All Saints’ Day for TGV drivers on the Atlantic line was lifted this Wednesday, October 27 (illustrative photo taken in Paris, near the Gare de Lyon, last April).

STRIKE – The weekend may be complicated for the French who have to take the train. The direction of the SNCF announced this Wednesday, December 15 that trade unions SUD-Rail, CGT and Unsa maintained their call to strike on the TGV South-East axis from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 December, a period when it now provides for “very degraded” traffic.

The management “regrets that the negotiations carried out for several days (…) have not made it possible to avoid the social movement at this stage” and “remains listening”, she indicated.

The management “responded positively to the demands formulated by the trade unions”, which “choose to maintain” their strike notice, she added. “Very degraded” traffic forecasts will be published ”at 5 pm ″ this Wednesday.

More info to follow

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