OMIKRON will soon dominate: These are key DETAILS! Overcrowding is low in our country, full hospitals are threatening –

Over the weekend in Slovakia, they identified the first three cases of the omicron variant, he will dominate in Slovakia according to Pavelka within a month. The course also depends on the overpopulation of the population, which, however, is not sufficient in our country. Vaccination is an important tool and the third dose strengthens the immune system even more.

Measures are being changed again: The curfew will only be at night! The fourth wave is approaching, the third dose has to protect us

Overpricing is significantly lower in Slovakia

As for the underdevelopment of the population, the current one is being examined by experts on the basis of a study they were to carry out in October and November. “We are significantly less underdeveloped than the surrounding states. We still have a lot of people who have not been vaccinated or survived COVID.” said Pavelka. If the new variant reaches an unprotected person, it can be a difficult process and burden the hospitals.

We should find out the official data in the coming weeks. That is why vaccination is important. “We have an extremely powerful weapon in our hands, and that is vaccination. Scientific studies clearly show that vaccination is the light at the end of the tunnel and the only way to end this pandemic.” Pavelka said, adding that it was also visible in hospitals. Vaccines make up only a small fraction of the total number of patients and are mostly polymorbid patients, ie those who have several comorbidities.

Omicron causes astronomical growth

“The epidemic has shown us that we are not at the end of the pandemic,” said the epidemiologist. According to Pavelek, Slovakia will also move from the delta environment to the omicron environment, which will be dominant in the country, within a few weeks. This is the most infectious variant we have had so far. In many countries, they speak of a meteoric or astronomical increase.

OMIKRON will soon dominate:

Pavelka drew attention to countries such as Denmark and the United Kingdom, where new cases of people with confirmed omicron have risen sharply. In Denmark, cases increased from 59 to 703 during the week, with a similar trend in Britain.

The course may not be the same as in countries with higher prevalence or vaccination

According to a study from the South African province of Johannesburg, where they first detected the omicron, up to 72% of the population outperformed the COVID-19 variant during the delta variant. “In Slovakia, this seroprevalence is significantly lower,” said Pavelka. “In terms of progress, we cannot compare with a country where the underperformance in terms of vaccination and overcoming is higher than in our country, and therefore the course is different.” stated.

OMIKRON will soon dominate:

“Let’s look at Denmark, which is closer to us. If we look at infections that are more than seven days old, we find that 10 percent of cases have ended up in hospitals. This is a very different result, which we see in the Republic of South Africa.” stated.

Hospitals may end up with more …

In our delta variant, about 5 to 7 percent of positive cases end up in hospitals. According to IZA chief Matej Mišík, a similar percentage will require hospitalization in the case of the omicron variant. However, he stated that the increase in the number of cases in Slovakia can be very rapid and rapid.

OMIKRON will soon dominate:

“Even if the course was less serious, it could place a significant burden on hospitals. Capacity reserves in hospitals are minimal,” he said. He therefore recommended that people be tested or isolated before Christmas visits.

Booster dose is important

It turns out that we can handle omicron variants. “The fourth wave that awaits us is not unmanageable and the solution is the booster dose, the third dose of the mRNA vaccine. It can increase the level of immunity and increase the percentage of protection that will be sufficient to handle the fourth wave. The third dose is critical.” Pavelka said.

OMIKRON will soon dominate:

The protective effect after vaccination and overall immunity with omicron decreases more markedly than with delta. “The third dose will move us forward again and we are catching up with omikron variants. The third dose significantly increases the protective effect,” stressed. “If you are not vaccinated, I would still like to invite you to be vaccinated. We see that about two to nine weeks after the second dose, the effect is still high. Immunity after vaccination decreases until the second, third month.” he explained.

Vaccination and overcoming are at the same level with omikron

In Slovakia, the period between the second and third dose was shortened to three months to compensate for the dramatic decrease in the protective effect of the vaccine. Pavelka illustrated the course of COVID in people in South Africa since the beginning of the epidemic. The country also went through three waves – the original type of coronavirus, beta variants and delta variants. According to Pavelek, reinfection, ie re-infection, is key.

OMIKRON will soon dominate:

“Although omicron variants reach low numbers in absolute numbers, the number of reinfections is at the peak of the delta wave,” stated. Reinfections are one of the characteristic features of the omikron variant. “If I overcame COVID-19 at the time of the delta variant, I am 75% protected. The third, booster dose also offers a protective effect of 75% against symptomatic disease. Vaccination and overcoming have the same effect in the omikron variant environment. However, vaccination is much safer. when overcoming, you are unnecessarily at risk of death or a difficult course, “ he added.

Omicron will prevail in mid-January

The coronavirus variant omicron is expected to become dominant in the European Union by mid-January. This was stated by the President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen in the plenary of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The AP and DPA agencies informed about it.

“Scientists expect that omicron could become the dominant option in most European countries as early as mid-January … The number of cases is currently doubling every two to three days,” said the chief executive, stressing that the union was well prepared to fight the new coronavirus variant, with 66.6 percent of the European population currently vaccinated against covid. Von der Leyen believed that the EU had “strength” and “means” to tackle the disease, although she said she was sad that even this year “Christmas will be overshadowed by a pandemic”.