Rescue detention: Žilinka hit! An enraged Hložník told Matovič that he was laughing in their face –

The police rescued a pair of rescuers, including their chief František Majerský, in front of the parliament building yesterday afternoon, where rescuers and nurses met to remind the government and deputies of their position and promises to increase salaries. This happened on the day when the parliament voted on next year’s state budget, which called for an increase in their salaries by 36 euros in gross or hospital reform.

Scandalous detention of rescue chief: Police intervention is under fire from critics, the coalition has a problem!

The rescuers did not get out of the police cell until the evening, which they reported on the social network. However, the fact that the police detained them at all provoked a strong reaction already on Tuesday and today continues on a similar wave.

Source: Facebook / Slovak Chamber of Paramedics

They laugh at them

In his sharp reaction, the head of the Bratislava hospital in Antolská, Jakub Hložník, described the matter as a complete bottom. “The police and the prosecutor’s office do not have the courage, which is not the courage or the effort to take action against aggressive anti-vassals who threaten paramedics, but they do not hesitate to take action against paramedics who have peacefully protested against indecent working and salary conditions … and that it is not enough for them. Matovič mockingly bequeathed that they have a payroll that will guarantee them a few or even tens of euros, “ he bequeathed.

“What completely amused me was the Prime Minister’s statement after the adoption of the hospital reform law where the nation was served by more ambulances and reduced waiting times for operations … how does it want to achieve this without paramedics and after the abolition of thousands of beds?” he is asking.

Rescuers in front of parliament

Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

He said flatly that they are no longer catching up because they are few. How to change a law that leads to a further reduction of beds, especially in situations where the government has the legitimate requirements of medical reacts their arrest and Minister of Finance, who hesitate scatter millions in lottery and bribery irresponsible retired, we just laugh in your face. “ stated.

According to him, some politicians are abusing the pandemic and “He teases people against all measures because they said that the worse and more chaos the better for our preferences and then there is the other side that completely threw us overboard and sends police to the paramedics … so thank you both camps.”

Rescue detention: Žilinka hit!

Source: TASR – Martin Baumann

Žilinka hit

However, it was not just an excitement or words. Attorney General Maroš Žilinka instructed the regional prosecutor in Bratislava to immediately review the legality, justification and adequacy of acts and decisions in criminal proceedings in connection with the detained paramedics.