ASSE: Salary, contract, bonus, what Dupraz signed with the Greens –, the specialist in the economics of sport business

December 15, 2021 at 9:10 AM by Thomas

Pascal Dupraz is officially the new coach of the Saint-Etienne Greens.

“We must save the ASSE soldier”, could be the title of this new opus which the first role has just been offered, to Pascal Dupraz, formalized by the direction of the Greens, yesterday Tuesday evening. Pascal Dupraz therefore arrives on the bench, to take over from Claude Puel and the short interim of Julien Sablé, in order to get the club out of the relegation zone, in Ligue 1. This, by accepting weaker contractual conditions than usual in Saint-Etienne.

Pascal Dupraz signs six months with ASSE

Reason for this, the general state of emergency and the lack of liquidity to operate everywhere; on the replacement of the staff, as if to strengthen the transfer window. The 59-year-old technician has initialed a six-month contract until June 30, 2022. The club does not announce a possible option for a sequel, even if the team flees in Ligue 1. It is because is also, at the same time, a question of selling ASSE …

A bonus equivalent to salary if he maintains the Greens in Ligue 1

For its mission, the newspaper The team wrote recently that a salary of 30,000 euros gross monthly ÷ ≠ will be paid to Dupraz, during the six months of his freelance. With the key, if he succeeds in keeping Saint-Etienne, in the elite of football, a bonus of 200,000 euros. Or, for the former coach of ETG and TFC, a salary close (excluding bonuses) to the one he had negotiated for an officer, at the Stade Malherbe in Caen. But emoluments much lower, than those paid to Claude Puel previously, in a role it is true different from sports manager, broadens for him, by the direction.