EXTRAORDINARY report: An avalanche has fallen in Veľká Fatra, the DEAD are reported! – Pluska.sk

An avalanche in Veľká Fatra claimed at least one victim on Monday, the second of a pair of ski alpinists has not yet been tracked down. This was confirmed to TASR by Zuzana Hopjaková, a spokeswoman for the Air-Transport Europe Helicopter Rescue Medical Service, stating that two helicopters had intervened at the scene.

The avalanche fell in the area of ​​Suchá dolina, between the Ostredok and Krížna hills. Air rescuers gradually exported 13 mountain rescuers and five dogs, who were looking for two men, ski mountaineers. They also dropped air ambulance doctors into the field.

“After more than two hours, the first buried man at the age of 46 managed to dig out from the avalanche. Unfortunately, he showed no signs of life and the doctor on the spot stated death.” the speaker approached.


In most Slovak mountains, the first degree of avalanche danger applies from Saturday. In the high positions of the Mala and Veľká Fatra and in the Low Tatras, however, the mountain service only warned against the second stage, so movement in these areas was quite risky.

The other man stayed under the snow

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