The documentary “Francesco” presents a journey through the life of Pope Francis, whom the director describes as a revolutionary

(CNN Spanish) – Discovery Channel presents the documentary “Francesco” under the direction and production of Evgeny Afineevsky, who received an Oscar nomination in 2016 for the documentary “Winter on Fire.”

“Francesco” shows an access that has never been had to Pope Francis. It offers an intimate look at a world leader who handles a variety of challenging and complex issues with tremendous humility, wisdom, and generosity to all.

In a telephone call, the Russian director assured that “Francesco” seeks to show the religion of Pope Francis, which, according to Afineevsky, is having humanity.

He added that the most important thing about this film is “the issue of sexual abuse, although I am not trying to hit the Church […] I think that for Francis to preach compassion is his religion. That’s what I observed as a filmmaker […] And I don’t try to focus on him; I try to focus on the innocent voices that need to be heard. “

Jorge Mario Bergoglio´ was born on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Photo Discovery Channel)

Francisco, a revolutionary

Among the topics featured in this special are climate change, migration and refugees, women’s empowerment, sexual abuse and LGBTQ issues, pandemics and border walls.

“Francisco does not consider himself a progressive; he sees himself as conservative, but revolutionary in many aspects. I see him that way, as a revolutionary. He has many proposals […] What Francisco tries to do is change this institution so that it serves the people […] Francisco wants to serve the world humanity “, assures Afineevsky.

The documentary shows how the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is one of the most powerful and revered people in the world and who cares about his people.

“He repeatedly told me that he is a priest who cares about his people, regardless of their religion, their skin color, beliefs, their sexual orientation,” adds the director.

Pop Zone
As anyone and not as a producer, what captivated you about Pope Francis?

Evgeny Afineevsky
Taking into consideration my two previous tapes, I needed hope and looked for it for some time. I think allowing myself to have the energy that the pope has as a person and not as the head of the Catholic Church who cares about humanity, its simplicity, humility, inspiration and hope for the future.

In addition to access to Pope Francis, “Francesco” presents interviews with those who have been part of his journey such as his nephew José Ignacio Bergoglio, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Juan Carlos Cruz, victim and activist for survivors of sexual abuse, and sister Norma Pimentel, defender of the refugees.

The documentary “Francesco”, directed by the Oscar nominee, Evgeny Afineevsky, will be able to be seen on Monday the 13th, Saturday the 18th and Friday the 24th of December on the signal of Discovery Channel throughout Latin America. Confirm the schedule with your pay TV company.