Presidential poll: what the French think of Yannick Jadot’s proposals – archyde

Presidential poll: what the French think of Yannick Jadot’s proposals – archyde

EXCLUSIVE. According to the results of an Ipsos – Sopra Steria survey for Le Parisien and Franceinfo, one in two “does not hear enough about” the campaign of the environmental candidate to judge, while 32% consider it “bad”. Several of its flagship proposals are also struggling to garner broad support.

“Yannick Jadot’s campaign is not very visible because the interest is mainly focused on LR and Valérie Pécresse and the major meetings of last week, those of Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, explains Brice Teinturier of Ipsos . Datagif for Le Parisien
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