Mega KIKS during the Farm FINAL? The well-known singer also pointed it out … Eva should have won! –

The finals of the Marquis Farm: Oops, the Big OMYL right at the beginning and … THIS is the winner!

This has not been here yet! After yesterday’s final of the Farma reality show, TV Markíza is facing attacks from viewers. They noticed one ambiguity during the last, decisive discipline. In that finalist, they answered questions about the Farm – if they answered correctly, they moved up a step, if wrong, they fell by 2 or even 3 places.

The last question was: “How many kilograms of bronze did you use for the bell?” the answers were: A-30, B-35, C-40. Evka marked the answer C, ie 40 kilos, Mesut replied that 35 kilos was used for the bell, ie option B. “The correct answer is B, Mesut, you become the absolute winner of Farm 13. You are the winner, the absolute winner!” Evelyn shouted. But … Here the audience allowed themselves to disagree.

The question was clear – How many kilograms of bronze did you use for the bell?

Source: TV Markíza

Evka indicated option C, ie 40 kilos, Mesut indicated option B, that 35 kilos was used.
Mega KIKS during the FINAL

Source: TV Markíza

Under awning posts on social networks, comments began to be copied, in which fans pointed out the mistake. They even published a video as proof that Evka should have won with the answer C, ie with the possibility that 40 kilos of bronze were used for the bell. “We have to pick up those coals so you can use pliers to grab the crucible with 40 kilos of bronze and take it out.” says economist Martin in a video-proof.

The singer and former superstar Dominika Stará, who also watched the finals, also pointed out the mistake. “Have you noticed how they snatched Evka by 75,000 euros live? Did I just misjudge it? Because even though I peek at the people’s comments, they saw what we did. The bell was cast from 40 kg of bronze (C), it was also in the video in episode 57 that Evka had the right one. However, they gave the points to Mesut with the wrong answer B (which they changed from B to C at the end) and don’t be angry with me, but 75K is enough money for someone wrong to come to him, ” Old thought.

Mega KIKS during the FINAL

Source: Instagram DS

And in fact, even in the footage from the finals, at the time of the announcement of the results, Mesut has a red answer B on the panel, but when he is happy with the rest of the farmers and his family, this answer has been changed on the panel and red C is already lit (red was at the same time during the evening it was assigned to Mesut, ie it was definitely his competition panel).

At this point, option B was still lit on the Mesuta competition (red) panel.
Mega KIKS during the FINAL

Source: TV Markíza

A moment later, the illuminated B changed to C.
Mega KIKS during the FINAL

Source: TV Markíza

A bright red C was already shining behind the rejoicing farmers at the end of the final.
Mega KIKS during the FINAL

Source: TV Markíza

In this context, we also addressed Markíza television. And she claims that everything went in absolute order and the correct answer was really the B – 35 kilos option, which Mesut called.

“The correct answer to the question was option B – 35 kg. A reserve is always used to cast the bell and with the reserve it was 40 kg of material. The bell weighs 35 kg and farmers pour exactly how much bell pepper into the mold. Excess bells were poured into a small reusable mold and placed on the ground. Farmers knew about the 35 kg bell because farmer Martin mentioned it to them several times during various activities, ” is the official opinion of the Marquis of the Marquis.

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