During her first meeting, Valérie Pécresse evokes Oradour-sur-Glane … “in Corrèze”! – The mountain

“I went through the silence of Oradour-sur-Glane, a martyr village of my heart of Corrèze”. This awkward sentence was pronounced by Valérie Pécresse this Saturday, December 11, at the room of the Mutualité de Paris where she gave the first meeting of her campaign for the presidential election. The LR candidate has multiplied the references to the Resistance and to the victims of the Second World War in response to Eric Zemmour’s positions on the subject, but had, it seems, poorly revised her subject, since the martyr village, where the SS murdered 643 inhabitants on June 10, 1944, is located in Haute-Vienne.

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A blunder which did not escape the parliamentarians of the outgoing majority in Limousin who immediately reacted on Twitter like many Internet users.

“The duty to remember does not tolerate approximations. Shameful for a candidate for the highest office in our Republic “, commented the deputy for Haute-Vienne Pierre Venteau, reacting to the post of his Creusois colleague Jean-Baptiste Moreau who for his part considered that” the approximations and the goes and comes permanent ideological at a time it will be seen … ”.

«Valérie Pécresse, never, if you had one day walked the streets of the martyred village (sic) you would not have made this lamentable error. I do not know where your heart is, but certainly not up to what it takes to govern France, ”added the Haut-Viennese deputy Sophie Beaudouin-Hubière.

The mayor of the commune Philippe Lacroix also went there with his comment on Facebook: “I just heard that Oradour-sur-Glane would be located in the department of Corrèze … Ah the geography is complicated … Even for a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic ”.

Pierre Dumas

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