Heger and Lengvarský will help with the weekend vaccination, and familiar faces have been added. There are 68 deaths – Startitup

As the web informs NCZI, increased yesterday 5 832 tested positive by PCR. Executed 18 382 PCR tests and 26 613 antigen tests. They revealed 1,176 positives. The number of deaths increased by 68, the coronavirus in Slovakia has already claimed 3,342 victims.

The good news is that yesterday has increased 3 226 vaccinated people. The total number of people vaccinated is 2,693,499, of whom 2,497,068 have received a complete vaccination.

The most positive number was in the Košice Region (936), followed by the Bratislava Region (796) and the Trenčín Region (789). The Nitra region (591) can enjoy the lowest number of infected.

The hospital has 3,342 patients hospitalized, 580 of whom are in the ICU and 291 need artificial lung ventilation. 85.24% of currently hospitalized patients are not fully vaccinated.

Prominent lineup

The government tries to motivate vaccination in various ways. Prime Minister Eduard Heger has decided to visit the vaccination unit in Ivachnova today, which he will also help. Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic together with the self-governing regions, they joined forces and prepared a mobilization week to support vaccination, ” informs on social network.

He adds that from today, Slovaks can be vaccinated throughout Slovakia with or without registration in selected places in each region. The vaccination campaign will be supported not only by Heger, but also by Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský. He will be transformed into a vaccine doctor today.

TOMORROW I HELP THE MOBILE VACCINATION UNIT IN IVACHNOVA Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic together with…

Posted by Eduard Heger – Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic on Friday, December 10, 2021

“The vaccination campaign will be supported by members of the government, but also by personalities from cultural and social life and sports,” advises the Prime Minister. The personal participation of the self-governing region has so far been confirmed by: stand-up comedian Lujza Šrámeková, actress Eva Pavlíková, stand-up comedian Ján Gordulič, director Nikita Slovák and marathon runner Stano Ďuriga.

Several politicians should also take part in the event. Richard Sulík, Ján Budaj, Roman Mikulec, Andrej Doležal, Veronika Remišová and Ivan Korčok responded to a letter from the Minister of Health to their colleagues asking for support for the campaign.

source: TASR / Erika Ďurčová

Today, Heger will also show up at the vaccination center in Dolný Kubín, where he will greet and thank the health professionals who are trying to improve the current pandemic situation in Slovakia. “I look forward to face-to-face meetings with citizens and I believe that many people will reconsider their views on vaccinations. In this way, they will protect not only themselves but also their loved ones. Please join, ” closes.

Into the stock called “Let’s have a Christmas” is according to Ministry of Health 65 hospitals, 27 polyclinics, 19 VKOCs, 602 ambulances are involved and 178 trips to municipalities are planned.

Sources: NCZI, korona.gov.sk, Facebook, Ministry of Health

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