Unforgivable: after Bird Box, Sandra Bullock returns to Netflix with a shocking and moving thriller

Megan Choquet

Streaming film and series journalist

Journalist specializing in movies and series on platforms regardless of genre. This does not prevent him from remaining faithful to the small skylight and the big screen.

After the success of Bird Box, Sandra Bullock returns in great shape in a new film on Netflix. Entitled Unforgivable, this dramatic thriller allows the Oscar-winning actress to deliver a remarkable performance in the shoes of an ex-convict.

Impardonnable Bande-annonce VF”,”duration”:143,”view_count”:2698,”added_at”:{“date”:”2021-10-26 16:01:00.000000″,”timezone_type”:3,”timezone”:”Europe/Paris”},”metas”:{“genre_main_movie”:[{“name”:”Drame”,”id”:”13008″},{“name”:”Thriller”,”id”:”13023″}], “id_main_movie”: 199458, “image_main_movie”: ” / pictures / 21 / 11 / 30 / 17 / 49 /0052322.jpg”, “localized_file_type”: “trailer”, “main_movie_type”: 4002 , “name_main_movie”: “Unpardonnable”, “trans_file_type”: “Trailer”}, “relatedEntityDistributor”: null, “relatedEntityDistributorId”: null, “relatedEntityType”: “movie”, “relatedEntityTrackingIdentifier”: “199458”,-impardonnable ” “relatedEntityTitle”: “Unpardonable”, “relatedEntityId”: 199458, “genres”:[{“id”:”13008″,”name”:”Drame”},{“id”:”13023″,”name”:”Thriller”}]”RelatedEntityUrl”: “ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxsb2NpbmUuZnIvZmlsbS9maWNoZWZpbG1fZ2VuX2NmaWxtPTE5OTQ1OC5odG1s”, “mediaUrl”: “ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxsb2NpbmUuZnIvdmlkZW8vcGxheWVyX2dlbl9jbWVkaWE9MTk1OTQ0NTQmY2ZpbG09MTk5NDU4Lmh0bWw =”, “entityStatus”: “coming_soon”}]”disablePreroll”: false, “disablePostroll”: false} “data-thumb = ‘https: // en.web.img5.acsta.net/r_640_360/videothumbnails/21/10/26/16/04/5726212.jpg “>


Released from prison after having served her sentence for a violent crime, Ruth Slater finds a society that refuses to forgive her for its past. Heavily judged by those who once surrounded her, she places her only hope of redemption in a reunion with her younger sister, whom she has been forced to leave behind.


After Bird Box, which was very successful, Sandra Bullock is once again the headliner of a thriller on Netflix. In Unforgivable, signed Nora Fingscheidt (Benni), the Oscar-winning actress plays Ruth Slater, a young woman who comes out of prison after serving a 20-year sentence for murder.

Ruth tries to reintegrate into a society, which refuses to forgive her for her act, but she hangs on and does everything in her power to find her little sister whom she was forced to abandon after the crime. The demons of the past will resurface in his quest and reveal unsuspected truths.

Originally announced in 2010, this film was to be headed by Christopher McQuarrie for Angelina Jolie. The latter never officially signed for this project, which passed into the hands of various writers and directors before officially entering development in 2019 with Nora Fingscheidt directing.


Unforgivable, which is based on the British miniseries Unforgiven (2009) by Sally Wainwright, allows Sandra Bullock to deliver a masterful and overwhelming performance against a luxury cast, between Viola Davis, Jon Bernthal, Vincent D’Onofrio, Rob Morgan and Richard Thomas, to name a few.

Even if the film can move the most sensitive of us and tear away a few tears, it does not fall into easy melodrama. The music composed by Hans Zimmer and Dave Fleming envelops this thriller with a lot of delicacy and the effective staging ends up making Unforgivable a future success for Sandra Bullock.

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