Macron poses as the leader of pro-Europeans – archyworldys

Failing to present his program for France – since four months before the presidential election he is officially not a candidate for his succession – Emmanuel Macron delivered, over an hour, his vision for Europe. Thursday, December 9, the Head of State presented his priorities for the French presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), scheduled for the first half of 2022, and declined his favorite themes for a Europe “Fully sovereign, free of her choices and master of her destiny”.

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By listing the many projects he intends to carry out – reforming the Schengen area, advancing the migration pact, accelerating the construction of a European defense, “Overhaul in depth” the relationship between the old continent and the African Union, “Building a new European growth model”, “Rethinking the budgetary framework”, reconcile economic development and climate transition, regulate the digital world,… – Emmanuel Macron seemed to disregard the real prerogatives given by a presidency of the Council of the EU as well as its temporary nature.

“The rotating presidency is not just a hotel function, it is also a function of inspiration, of trigger. »Emmanuel Macron

All the more so since, in the case of France, the time during which Paris can take initiatives will be even more limited than usual – two and a half months – given the duty of reserve imposed on Emmanuel. Macron and his ministers as part of the French electoral campaign. Regardless, the Head of State also cited many initiatives already in the pipeline – the Commission is due to present its proposal for reform of the Schengen code next week – draft directives that are well advanced – this is the case of texts on the minimum wage or on the regulation of the digital space – only longer-term strategies that nothing says they will see the light of day.

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The Elysée thinks big

“The rotating presidency is not just a hotel function”, consisting in organizing the councils of ministers of the Twenty-Seven and seeking a compromise between the member states on subjects that often divide them, launched Emmanuel Macron. Before adding: “It is also a function of inspiration, of trigger”. Moreover, the Elysée is thinking big and has announced several summits and dozens of days of meetings in France, which will be added to the formal Council of Ministers scheduled in Brussels. In total, some 400 meetings are planned, mainly during the first three months of the French presidency. They will begin with a speech by the Head of State to the Parliament of Strasbourg on January 19.

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