DIRECT. Zemmour on France 2: a debate with Le Maire, a boxing match that everything … –

Eric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire discuss this Thursday evening, on France 2, in the program “Elysée 2022”. An opportunity for Eric Zemmour to make his candidacy credible and for the Minister of the Economy to showcase his experience.

20:06 – A battle of numbers tonight on France 2

We must clearly expect this evening, technical arguments from Bruno the Mayor to praise the government’s economic record, which can be based on falling unemployment and growth figures. The minister could put the polemicist in the face of shortcomings if he manages to grasp what he will reply. Eric Zemmour is quite readable on the economy: he has been advancing for weeks that France “hides” the extent of the decline, obsessed with trade balance figures. Bruno Le Maire could bring him a contradiction in the field of investment, on which the executive can present good figures.

19:48 – Eric Zemmour more at ease in debate than Bruno Le Maire?

The far-right polemicist is used to taking the ascendancy over his interlocutors on television, showing a rather rare aplomb. And it will not necessarily be necessary for him to support his arguments, this evening on France 2, very precise or nuanced facts to score points against journalists from the public service or against Bruno Le Maire. This is also one of its strengths, as clarified by analyst Dominique Reynié, director general of the Fondapol think tank, in the world : “People do not like the lesson-givers or the top of the class. The distrust of the political world is so massive that even a demonstration can fail. The viewer will say: ‘This gentleman speaks very well, but my power to ‘buying went down.’ In this context, Eric Zemmour has an advantage: he is not accountable for his actions. He just needs to brandish a gas bill. [dont les prix ont flambé ces derniers mois] to mark the spirits “.

19:28 – The Mayor prepared to face Zemmour to “discuss everything”

The Minister of the Economy does not take this debate lightly, he measures to what extent it engages him on the media and political level. He also warned the journalists of Europe 1 during an interview on December 5: “We will discuss everything. A project for France, that includes cultural issues, migration issues, economic issues, questions France is a whole and the project must be a whole, so I am ready to discuss all subjects with Mr. Zemmour, “he said.

19:08 – After a debate with Le Maire, another with Le Pen?

Eric Zemmour offered himself a debate with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and is facing Bruno Le Maire this evening. And if he wishes, he can find himself facing Marine Le Pen. The other candidate of the nationalist right also wants a debate with him, as Le Point indicated this Thursday. “All I can tell you is that it’s not a TV channel. It’s still under discussion, but we could end up on a stage, like when Eric Zemmour debated with Michel Onfray” , indicates a relative of the candidate to the magazine.

18:48 – The Mayor wants to stand out against Eric Zemmour during the debate

Bruno Le Maire certainly could not get into this debate against Eric Zemmour without the agreement of Emmanuel Macron, who knows very well that the exercise is part of his future electoral campaign. But the Minister of the Economy is also playing his own score this evening: endowed with national ambitions which he never really gave up, Bruno Le Maire undoubtedly intends to score points in this television confrontation. If he manages, as he wishes, to discredit Eric Zemmour and reveal shortcomings in his opponent’s evening project, he could afford a very commented television moment. If he excels, it’s very simple; his intervention will be very commented on by journalists, some French … and at the Elysee Palace, who knows that the Minister of the Economy has inclinations for Matignon if Emmanuel Macron is reelected in May 2022.

17:03 – The Mayor on the plateau, one more step in Macron’s candidacy process?

Does the arrival of Bruno Le Maire on the plateau this Thursday evening aim, in addition to responding to the economic proposals of Eric Zemmour, to prepare the ground for Emmanuel Macron? Not officially a candidate for re-election, the President of the Republic still seems to be increasingly preparing the ground for next April. Returning from a three-day visit to Auvergne during which he notably visited Vichy, the Head of State returns to meet the French. And in the media, his lieutenants praise his record. This should again be the case with the Minister of the Economy. Beyond being at the head of a strategic ministry, the tenant of Bercy should emphasize the financial efforts and the policy of “whatever the cost” operated by the government since the start of the Covid crisis. 19 to avoid a financial wreck of the country. But the delicate subject of purchasing power will not fail to be at the heart of the debates, while energy prices have skyrocketed and the French majority say they have lost financial capacity, despite government aid through the checks. Sufficient to enhance the five-year balance sheet?

16:47 – Decisive meeting for Eric Zemmour?

This first debate in the skin of a candidate takes on a particular stake for Eric Zemmour. Because his campaign is currently between two waters. On the one hand, a successful launch meeting and more than 10,000 people gathered; on the other, all-out controversies and polls that keep him away from the second round. By facing a minister holding the most important portfolio in the eyes of the French, their priority being purchasing power, the polemicist has the opportunity to develop his measures in the face of a connoisseur of Bercy files, he who is regularly criticized for his proposals sometimes considered ubiquitous.

“So far, Zemmour has not bothered with the details”, retorts a Walker to theAFP. A quits or doubles. Because if Eric Zemmour’s economic ambition could appeal to the working classes, it could come up against technical or legal impossibilities that Bruno Le Maire would raise without flinching. But the aplomb of the former journalist could put him in front of the practical questions of the voters. “Eric Zemmour has an asset: he is not accountable for his actions. He just needs to brandish a gas bill to mark the spirits”, pointing to the rise in prices, warns in The world Dominique Reynié, director general of the Fondapol think tank.

15:49 – Gabriel Attal could have argued with Eric Zemmour

For a long time Macronie chomped at the bit. The temptations to debate with Eric Zemmour to contradict the polemicist were numerous, but the Elysee had ruled out the possibility as long as his candidacy was not official. Now done, coming to argue with the former chronicler is now authorized. Gabriel Attal could have faced Eric Zemmour. The government spokesperson, recognized for his oratorical ease and his confidence, as when he had resumed on the fly Philippe Juvin on many comments made by the elected LR and doctor in C to you, ambitioned to defend the results of the five-year plateau. The choice finally fell on Bruno Le Maire, a question of political past. “It is the right (The Mayor was Minister of Sarkozy and inserted LR until 2017, editor’s note) who speaks to a man who claims to unite the rights”, underlines Roland Lescure in The world.

3:30 pm – What is Eric Zemmour’s economic program?

According to the first lines of his economic program published on his website, Eric Zemmour wants a reduction in taxes, judging the “tax system unfair, hard on the small and weak on the strong”. He thus advocates reducing production taxes. On the industry side, the candidate wants “to relax the competitive dogmas of Brussels, which oppose the constitution of national champions in Europe while leaving our market open to extra-European giants”. In addition, he wishes “to strongly encourage consumers and public procurement to favor national suppliers”. Finally, he promises a salary increase of 100 euros for people earning the minimum wage via a drop in the CSG from 9 to 2.5%, whose incomes, down, would not be impacted according to his statements because Eric Zemmour wishes to apply national preference for the payment of social allowances. So many ideas that he can compare and detail with Bruno Le Maire.

14:59 – What will Eric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire discuss?

The exact program of the show has not been released. If the discussions between Eric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire will necessarily revolve around economic issues, this will not be the only subject discussed. “We will discuss everything. A project for France, that includes cultural questions, migration questions, economic questions, financial questions. France is a whole and the project must be a whole, so I am ready to discuss all the subjects with Mr. Zemmour “, indicated the Minister of the Economy, Sunday, on Europe 1.

14:54 – A trip canceled to prepare for the debate

While he was initially due to go to Lyon on Tuesday for a trip, Eric Zemmour canceled it to “calm things down a bit” after the eventful meeting in Villepinte, but also to work on his files before being confronted with Bruno Le Mayor. “I have an important show Thursday evening, I have to work. Me, you know, I prepare things, I am a hard worker”, he assured, Tuesday, to Jean-Jacques Bourdin on BFMTV.

14:52 – A debate between Eric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire

Eric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire will debate, this Thursday, December 9, 2021, in front of the cameras of France 2, from 9:05 p.m. The far-right presidential candidate will face the Minister of the Economy. This is the first time that a member of the government has debated with the polemicist, the executive having carefully waited for the former columnist of CNews officially declares himself in the running for the Elysee Palace.

The polemicist is this Thursday the guest of Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier, who will devote the first part of the evening to a classic interview on the presidential project of Eric Zemmour. France 2 has planned several sequences: one called “Paroles de Français”; an “immersion report meeting the French in the region”; a sequence where 18-year-old French people will ask questions of the guest.

The announcement was made on October 11 by Le Figaro: Eric Zemmour was expected to appear on the France 2 political program “Elysée 2022”. On December 1, the poster was unveiled by Le Parisien: Eric Zemmour facing Bruno Le Maire. This debate between the now presidential candidate and the Minister of the Economy is an opportunity to address in more detail economic, financial and purchasing power issues, but also “cultural” and “migration” issues such as The tenant of Bercy on Europe 1 had specified on December 5.

Eric Zemmour’s economic program is still very vague, although the candidate has announced in broad terms wanting to reindustrialize France, increase the lowest wages and save on social security, without reducing the protection “of the French”. According to the first lines of his economic program published on his website, Eric Zemmour wants a reduction in taxes, judging the “tax system unfair, hard on the small and weak on the strong”. He thus advocates reducing production taxes.

On the industry side, the candidate wants “to relax the competitive dogmas of Brussels, which oppose the constitution of national champions in Europe while leaving our market open to extra-European giants”. In addition, he wishes “to strongly encourage consumers and public procurement to favor national suppliers”. Finally, he promises a salary increase of 100 euros for people earning the minimum wage via a drop in the CSG from 9 to 2.5%, whose incomes, down, would not be impacted according to his statements because Eric Zemmour wishes to apply national preference for the payment of social allowances. So many ideas that he can compare and detail with Bruno Le Maire.

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