Terrorism: a planned knife attack during the Christmas period was foiled by the DGSI – franceinfo

Two 23-year-old men were arrested, according to a judicial source. Crowded streets, universities or even shopping centers were mentioned as a target, according to the first elements of the investigation.

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A new attack plan foiled. Two men had planned a knife attack during the Christmas period in France, but the police officers from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) thwarted this project, franceinfo learned from corroborating sources on Wednesday (December 8th), confirming information from the Parisian.

The two 23-year-old men were arrested on November 29 in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) and Pecq (Yvelines), then indicted for “criminal terrorist association” and placed in pre-trial detention last Friday, adds a police source. One of the two young men arrested admitted in police custody having considered a knife attack inspired by the Islamic State (IS) group during the Christmas period, in connection with the other young man, already convicted of “association of criminals linked to a terrorist enterprise “, according to a judicial source.

Searches carried out in particular on digital media have made it possible to find jihadist documentation in connection with ISIS. According to the first elements of the investigation, no specific target was privileged but crowded streets, universities or even shopping centers, including one known in the Parisian suburbs, were mentioned. The investigation must now make it possible to identify possible other accomplices, the origin of the radicalization process and to see if there really was a specific project of taking action.

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