Sweden is reintroducing measures due to deteriorating situation – SME.sk

Since last week, the country has been required to present a covidpas.

STOCKHOLM. Sweden will reintroduce a number of measures to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus. These include wearing towels in public transport, keeping distances or working from home.

Referring to Tuesday’s statement by the local government, The Guardian reported.

“We see the virus spreading faster, but so far the numbers are low,” said Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

“We must work together so that the situation does not get worse, so today we present further preventive measures,” she added.

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According to the Swedish version of The Local, based on the announced measures, which will take effect on Wednesday, employers should allow their employees to work from home as much as possible. Teaching in schools and universities can still take place in person, but they should not bring together large numbers of people.

Restaurants and bars, in turn, should ensure that excessive numbers of people do not gather on their premises. In addition, the government is urging citizens to cover the upper airways in public transport and to keep their distance in the public domain.

If the epidemic situation worsens and the pressure on hospitals increases, the government will take further action.

Since last Wednesday, Sweden has been required to present a covidpas at the entrance to public gatherings and indoor events with more than 100 people.

The Swedish government never imposed a lockdown on the Covid-19 pandemic and relied largely on recommendations to the public.

Although Sweden, unlike many countries, did not take harsh restrictive measures during the pandemic, it had a lower death rate than most European countries, but higher than other Scandinavian countries.

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