What about antibody tests? Experts raise a warning finger: It’s not what it seems at first glance! – Tops

Mandatory vaccination or last motivation? Despite the lockdown, politicians are opting for unpopular steps and currently want to favor those who are vaccinated against the coronavirus or have already overcome the infection before Christmas. In addition, they want to motivate seniors over the age of 60 with finances – they want to pay up to 300 euros “on hand” to anyone who has already been vaccinated and has a second or third dose.

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However, many do not want to be vaccinated and claim that even if they become infected, they will overcome the infection without any problems. However, experts warn that each immune system handles the coronavirus differently, and therefore even a relatively healthy person can have a difficult course.

Source: TASR / AP Photo / Evgeniy Maloletka

Others, still undecided, want to confirm their views with an antibody test. You can often hear from their mouths: “I may have been vaccinated, but I’ll test the antibodies first to see if I’ve overcome the infection!” However, the Ministry of Health is raising a warning finger in this case. According to experts, post-coronavirus antibodies do not tell us what many want to rely on.

As they explained, coronavirus is the virus that most often causes upper respiratory tract infections and spreads by droplet infection – that is, droplets that it excretes when we sneeze, scream, cough, and so on. Its incubation period varies from three days to two weeks. It should be noted that the coronavirus is also transmitted by those people who do not have any symptoms at first glance – these are asymptomatic people who, however, spread the infection.

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An antibody test is not enough

And it is precisely these factors that are causing the disease to spread enormously and in a way that is difficult to control. “Because of this, direct diagnostic methods that prove the presence of the virus in the secretions and epithelial cells of the airways are necessary to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection and assess the infectivity of a particular individual. The gold standard for detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 is -time) RT-PCR or antigen testing, taking into account the correct indication, timing and limitations of each direct diagnostic method, “ informed the ministry.

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Source: TASR / DPA via AP / Michael Kappeler

However, they also pointed out the statements of the President of the Slovak Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Miloš Jeseňák. He pointed out that although antibodies are formed in the immune system after overcoming, there are several species – against protein N or against protein S. As he added, it is now known that up to a fifth of infected patients do not need to develop antibodies. This problem occurs especially with asymptomatic or mild infection.

According to current knowledge, antibody testing is not an indicator of deciding to vaccinate or administer a third dose. ” points out the respected professor. He subsequently stated that testing for antibodies, as the patient has a chance to re-infect the infection, is not possible with routine antibody tests on the market. This is because only some can capture neutralizing antibodies. It is thanks to them that the immune system can protect against coronavirus infection. On the other hand, the test for antibodies based on the original S protein according to Jeseňák says practically nothing about protection against new variants of the virus.

Beware of insufficient protection

Jeseňák’s words are supplemented by another expert – pPresident of the Slovak Society of Clinical Microbiology Monika Czirfuszová. It points out that the detection of anti-coronavirus antibodies is a complementary method that can be used as a supportive method in combination with the SARS-CoV-2 direct detection methods. “The mere presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in an unvaccinated individual without prior direct evidence of infection by real-time RT-PCR means only probable contact with SARS-CoV-2 virus more than two weeks ago, without the possibility of assessing when to become infected. whether the antibody level in question provides adequate protection against reinfection, ” the microbiologist explained.

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As she subsequently stated, the antibody response to coronavirus is part of the body’s complex immune response and is largely individual and conditioned by various factors. “And that the interaction of the immunogenic components of the microorganism and the immune mechanisms of the host, as well as the age or associated diseases of the host and many other factors. In addition, the protection gained from overcoming COVID-19 infection is known to weaken over time. ” Czirfusz pointed out.

In addition, the Ministry of Health pointed out another matter – if someone wants to get the status “overcome” after overcoming the virus and have a confirmation about it in the so-called covid pase, must have had a positive PCR test less than 180 days ago. In other words, it is not enough for a person to obtain a Green Passport, or a digital European covid passport, for an antibody test, but they must have the disease confirmed by a positive PCR test.

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