Another European country is introducing compulsory vaccination. Whoever refuses will receive a fine every month –

30. 11. 2021 13:50 | CRETE / TASR

This applies to people over 60 years of age.

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Photo: TASR / AP

Vaccination against coronavirus will be mandatory in Greece for people over the age of 60, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Tuesday. The AFP agency informed about it.

“Greeks over the age of 60 must book a first-dose vaccination date by January 16th. Vaccination thus becomes mandatory for them, “Mitsotakis said in a statement to members of the government.

According to the Greek prime minister, the parliament has yet to vote on the move, but MPs are expected to approve mandatory vaccinations for the age group.

Mitsotakis added that more than 500,000 Greeks over the age of 60 still reject the COVID-19 vaccine. He stressed that those who continue to refuse vaccination will have to pay a fine of 100 euros each month. “It simply came to our notice then. The answer is vaccination, testing and compliance, not lockdown, “the prime minister concluded.

The Athens government has so far rejected calls from experts to tighten anti-pandemic measures and restrict freedom of movement before the upcoming Christmas holidays – even for those vaccinated.

The country has so far recorded more than 18,000 deaths from covidos, with coronavirus-related deaths rising sharply in November. More than 650 covid patients are currently hospitalized in intensive care units.

Austria was the first

Austria is the first European country to introduce compulsory vaccination. It is also the first state to order its entire population to be vaccinated. Citizens will have to meet this obligation by February 2022.

Find out more in the article: Austria introduces nationwide lockdown and compulsory vaccination

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