Eric Zemmour’s candidacy announcement, a strategic agenda

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After months of false suspense over his possible candidacy, polemicist Éric Zemmour officially declared himself a presidential candidate on Tuesday. A strategic calendar. Intention to parasitize the vote in Congress of Republicans or a new provocation intended to flout the tribute to Josephine Baker, feminist and anti-racist figure honored that same Tuesday? Both surely.

The announcement of Eric Zemmour’s candidacy shows all the signs of an offensive in good standing. Against the Republicans first. The far-right polemicist has indeed announced his candidacy for the presidential election in a video entitled “A message to the French” broadcast on social networks Tuesday, November 30, the day before the start of the Congress of Republican members which is being held from 1er to December 4.

To complete his offensive to the Republican right, the sulphurous polemicist has planned to continue his formalization in the campaign with a large raout at the Zenith in Paris, Sunday, December 5, where 5,000 people are expected. The day before, the LR party should have designated the name of its candidate, fresh out of the polls.

Steal the show from Josephine Baker

The timing of the announcement also comes at a time when the presidential majority is also putting itself in order of battle with the creation of the “common house” launched by the macronie intended to carry the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. The collective Together citizens! officially launched Monday evening at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris, aims to mobilize all Macron-compatible parties such as La République en Marche, the Modem, Agir and Horizons.

On social networks, some regret that the choice of the day of the announcement of this candidacy comes on the day of Josephine Baker’s entry into the Pantheon. The slayers of the sulphurous editorialist see in this calendar the manifest desire to flout the fight for gender equality and the fight against racism that the artist and Franco-American resistance person embodies. Thousands of messages posted under the hashtag #LessHatemoreJosephine compiles more or less explicit allusions to the ideological positions of the far-right polemicist. “The commitment to France has no origin, gender or skin color”, sums up in particular Armèle Portelli, feminist activist on her Twitter account.

“I cannot imagine for a single moment that Eric Zemmour did not take into account all the salient elements of today’s news, of which Joséphine Baker’s Pantheonization is part”, estimates Michel Wieworka, director of studies of the EHESS, contacted by France24.

A middle finger in Marseille

One thing is certain, it seems that Eric Zemmour has especially chosen to launch his campaign when his candidacy is at its worst. His official entry into the political arena indeed comes after a bad political sequence, marked by a failed trip to Marseille, without meeting or exchange with the population, except for this finger of honor addressed to a woman as a substitute. of response to the same gesture on his part. An episode that discredits his ability to marry a presidential stature, unanimously indignant the majority of the political class. “The problem of living well together in our country is not a problem of first name. It is a problem of behavior and good manners,” responded Hugues Renson, LREM vice-president of the National Assembly. An “instinctive gesture” that Eric Zemmour “assumes”, defends his entourage who compares this gesture to the “break yourself poor con” launched in February 2008 by President Nicolas Sarkozy to a farmer who refused his handshake.

In summary, at this stage of the campaign, “the planets were no longer aligned [pour le tribun]”, observes the political scientist. He no longer had the choice to wait any longer. This announcement comes at the time when the candidate must give a boost to his campaign”.

To this new controversy are added polls that stagnate or fall, around 14% to 15% of voting intentions in the first round, behind outgoing President Emmanuel Macron (25%) and the RN candidate (between 19% and 20%), giving Marine Le Pen a smile. Eric Zemmour has recorded many disappointments, such as rooms that refused to host his meetings, as in London or Geneva, difficulties in finding the sponsorships of elected officials necessary for his candidacy, and a fragile organization criticized internally. Finally, in terms of setbacks, Eric Zemmour must also record the loss of precious support such as that of the financier Charles Gave or his “friend” Philippe de Villiers, who will not finally participate in the meeting at the Zenith in Paris on December 5. In this context, it is not surprising that the far-right polemicist chooses to relaunch his campaign in the midst of the turmoil.

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