THE ROAD OF Rizman and Čaputová ‘s journey to the funeral of Meky Žbirka 2 –

The head of state decided not to comment on these words, but this cannot be said about her partner. Although Juraj Rizman on private matters with the president rarely expresses, this time he decided to make an exception. “Mr. Danko and Mr. Taraba set out with the president that we went to Prague together for the last farewell to Miroslav Zbirk. He is said to have paid for our flight, accommodation and meals. Everything would be fine if…. if these gentlemen had respect for the facts and verified the information, “ decided to clarify the visit to Prague Rizman.

President Čaputová often has Andrej Danek in his stomach as well.

Source: CIS

“We did not fly to the last farewell with Miroslav Žbirek. We were not accommodated in Prague, we went on a turn. And until the third time in the restaurant, I paid for the president and I paid for myself. All of this, unlike the fabrications of Mr Danko and Mr Tarab, is true. The truth I know, unlike them, can prove it. “ concluded the president’s partner.

The article continues on the next page.

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