Politicians hoped, but the reality is bad: LOCKDOWN is also in a state of emergency! These are scenarios, Slovakia is facing collapse – Topky.sk

The government will probably decide on Wednesday whether Slovakia will follow the same path as neighboring Austria. They should negotiate a temporary three-week lockdown for everyone, both vaccinated and non-vaccinated. The proposal will be submitted by the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský. In addition, the issue of a state of emergency is to be raised by the government.

VIDEO The pandemic of the unvaccinated is destroying the health care of all patients, claims the Minister of Health Lengvarský

A tough lockdown awaits us?

Lengvarsky confirmed yesterday during the Visionaries conference that he will present a proposal to introduce a three-week lockdown for everyone. According to him, if the general lockdown were introduced as soon as possible, Christmas could be a strict measure. According to Lengvarsky, this would be the first round of lockdown and if it did not work, it could take longer.

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

The prime minister will not gamble with his lives

Under no circumstances will Prime Minister Eduard Heger gamble on the lives of those vaccinated or unvaccinated. “Therefore, it is intensively addressing the possibility of a three-week lockdown for all residents, as proposed by the Ministry of Health and the Council of Experts. It is the opinion of experts in this regard that is crucial for the Prime Minister.” Prime Minister Ľubica Janíková said yesterday. “The Prime Minister is aware that the situation must be resolved immediately, so that we can have a calmer Christmas and be able to relax the measures at a later time in view of the approaching tourism season,” she added.

SaS has been against for a long time

Lengvarský wanted to introduce it earlier, but SaS has long been against restrictions on those vaccinated. This was stated at the previous government by the Minister of Economy and head of the SaS, Richard Sulík, and the head of the medical committee, Janka Bittó Cigániková, also repeated the opinion in response to Lengvarský’s statements yesterday. She described a hard lockdown as a solution for a short time, which would subsequently cause deterioration.

Politicians hoped, but reality

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

Prefers lockdown for unvaccinated. “Including travel restrictions if necessary.” stated. According to her, SaS considers vaccination to be the only solution, therefore it supports measures with more freedom of the vaccinated on the basis of lower epidemiological risk. The SaS party was to discuss this topic yesterday, the leaders on the coalition council also addressed the topic. However, some government politicians are considering introducing a lockdown without SaS support.

Let’s introduce a lockdown, calm and tomorrow

According to them, the We Are the Family movement is for the Minister of Economy and the Minister of Health to decide in order for both sectors to survive. “We are against the division of society into those vaccinated and unvaccinated. When we need to release hospitals, let’s make a lockdown. Calm down from tomorrow, for everyone, as well. And after twenty days, open everything, no matter what the results, open everything to keep the economy and industry going, ” Kollár said in TA3 yesterday.

The introduction of an emergency is also on the table

The number of hospitalized has already exceeded 3,000. In the new COVID vending machine, the new rules have also introduced a “lever” that should prevent the collapse of hospitals. “In the event of continuing deterioration, continuing case growth and exceeding 3,200 hospitalized patients, the Slovak Republic will be on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. At this stage, we recommend adopting a resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic it is stated in the vending machine.

VIDEO Lockdown for the unvaccinated currently applies in Slovakia

What exactly that would mean is not known. The government wants to prevent this with a lockdown. In addition, they are considering the introduction of a state of emergency, which has been talked about for a long time. “The state of emergency is still in play, so the Minister of Health will reopen the question of its implementation. Its form will still be discussed with all stakeholders. Zuzana Eliášová, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, told Topky yesterday.

What scenarios are in the game?

We do not yet know which way the government will take and whether they will eventually take a lockdown on which there is no general agreement in the coalition. There are several options in the game, including restricting movement, which can only be restricted in an emergency. The introduction of an emergency would mean, among other things, that they could call in more medical staff if necessary, such as during the second wave.

Politicians hoped, but reality

Source: ÚVZ SR

However, in the new COVID vending machine, the government has deleted the “restricted movement” column. The unvaccinated are currently only allowed to enter essential operations and shops. Entry into other shops and establishments is conditioned by vaccination or overcoming the coronavirus, or a negative test, which is de facto a restriction on movement. So what can happen?

The lockdwon for the unvaccinated as it stands will continue

If the government disagrees and the hard lockdown is not accepted, the next three weeks will be paid so-called. lockdown for the unvaccinated as adopted by the government last week. It should then assess whether the situation has improved or not, and at the same time reassess what measures will continue to apply.

A hard lockdown will be introduced for everyone

If the government introduced a tough lockdown for everyone, we would wait for its exact form. However, this turned out to be the current lockdowne for the unvaccinated. They currently have access to essential stores and operations. After the issuance of the decrees of ÚVZ SR, it turned out that despite the announced hard lockdown for the unvaccinated, they are allowed to enter many establishments, including clothing and shoe stores. Even to shopping malls if they go to get vaccinated or go to the pharmacy.

Lockdown, emergency and movement restrictions

During the second wave, conditions were much tougher, and a few weeks ago, politicians believed that they would not have to take such tough steps. It is also possible that the introduction of a lockdown for everyone and in the event of a worsening situation would limit the movement even more. Such a movement restriction requires the approval of an emergency. It would probably be a form we know from last year – we should go to work, to school, to nature and to basic necessities shops.

Under today’s law, the government can declare a pandemic emergency for forty days, but must be approved by parliament within twenty days. If they do not, the state of emergency ends. It is therefore technically possible to declare a state of emergency without deputies for the twenty days mentioned by Boris Kollár.

We stand for collapse

Lockdown or emergency are mentioned mainly due to the critical situation in healthcare. COVID wards in hospitals all over Slovakia are almost full. The beds are not available for artificial lung ventilation, doctors are not catching up, the staff is exhausted and white medicine is again limited. Currently, 3,021 are hospitalized in hospitals, of which 259 patients have UPV and 271 patients in the intensive care unit.

If we exceed the mentioned limit of 3,200 patients, Slovakia will face a humanitarian catastrophe. Experts, but also Minister Lengvarský, pointed this out. It should have been better this year. However, due to the low vaccination rate, the Slovak healthcare system is once again facing collapse. There are more than 80 percent of patients in the hospital who are not vaccinated. Over the weekend, Prime Minister Eduard Heger also raised the issue of mandatory vaccinations for certain groups. However, some members of the coalition are also against compulsory vaccination.

Primary Kulkovský supports lockdown

Milan Kulkovský, Head of the Internal Department of the Hospital with a Polyclinic in Považská Bystrica, supports the introduction of a lockdown. “The situation in hospitals is critical in relation to Covid-19. Hospitals are at their limit. The reality is that the dead save the living by releasing a bed with artificial lung ventilation. Not only are UPV beds missing, but also those with non-invasive ventilation (HFNO) The paramedics are desperate. wrote on social network.

“Unfortunately, the only option that could at least slow down the current situation is a lockdown for everyone, including those who have been vaccinated. It is unfair, but the only possible solution. “The current critical situation and facts will not convince them. In addition, these people are abusing the fact that compliance monitoring is not effective.” stated. According to him, the health system, hospitals and the staff working in them need strong help from the state in the form of a lockdown.

According to him, it is useless to look for the culprit and point the finger at one group of people. “It has happened. If we just stand and watch, more and more people will die unnecessarily.” stated. If the lockdown is not approved immediately, there is a risk that it will have to be declared later, during the Christmas holidays.

We all pay to overload the health care system

Even according to the mathematician and member of the Science Helps Richard Kollár initiative, measures to stop the increase in demand for hospitalizations with COVID are absolutely necessary today. “We all pay for this overload of our health care system. On the other hand, any measures that do not solve the problem in the long run, ie do not support an increase in interest in vaccination, are bad, no matter how positive their short-term effect,” stated for Topky.

According to Kollár, we will only postpone the infections of many before the coming winter and the system will overwhelm us again over time. “Therefore, there is a need to combine effective short-term measures affecting society as a whole with long-term measures that will significantly increase the vaccination rate, especially among the most vulnerable groups.” he said that we should have had long-term measures to increase vaccination rates a long time ago.

The measures were not complied with

According to Kollár, the original COVID machine was set up in this way, but many of its points were not complied with, both by the citizens and by the state. “The state has not even enacted legislation to effectively enforce the measures in place. The events of recent weeks, when we have failed to introduce and implement important measures at all, have been a great waste of time, which means unnecessarily lost lives. in fact, it most undermines the authority of the state and, in particular, the confidence in the vaccination, which is still one way out of the pandemic, “ stated.

Restriction of movement alone is not enough. “We need to reduce people’s temporary close contacts and, on the other hand, significantly increase our interest in getting the first, second and third doses of the vaccine,” clarified. A lockdown for the unvaccinated would suffice if it did. “But in reality, its enforcement is almost nil. We see the first changes in population behavior only now. But they were supposed to come in early September. “There is also a need to better address the situation of children under the age of 12 who cannot yet be vaccinated,” he added.

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