Domestic violence increased by 10% in 2020 in France

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The police and gendarmerie services recorded a 10% increase in domestic violence in France, affecting nearly 160,000 people of all sexes in 2020, the statistics service of the Ministry of the Interior announced on Monday.

This is an alarming increase in France which takes into account the facts taking place during the confinements of 2020. The Ministry of the Interior revealed Monday, November 22 that the police and gendarmerie services have recorded a 10% increase in violence marriage in France in 2020, which concerned 159,400 people of all sexes combined. The overwhelming majority of victims are women.

About 87% of victims of domestic violence are women, or 139,200, a stable proportion compared to 2019, according to these figures from the ministry, which do not count homicides.

In 2020, 102 women were killed by the beatings of their spouse or ex. They were 146 in 2019.

The majority of victims, as in 2019, suffered voluntary physical violence, whether or not they resulted in total incapacity for work.

Some 5,500 people (or 3% of victims), an overwhelming majority of women (5,400), have complained of rape or sexual assault by their spouse.

Domestic violence increased by 10% during the first confinement – if we take into account the date of commission of the facts – compared to the same period in 2019.

Read also : Domestic violence: the anti-rapprochement bracelet still in the process of breaking in

This violence fell by 13% over the period of the second confinement, even if these figures are not final, underlines the ministry, “since they only count the facts committed during the confinements which were brought to the attention of the police and the gendarmerie by the beginning of January 2021 at the latest “.

The Seine-Saint-Denis and Guyana among the most affected departments

Aveyron is the department with the lowest number of victims recorded per inhabitant (2.7 female victims aged 20 or over per 1,000 inhabitants of the same sex and age).

Conversely, Seine-Saint-Denis and Guyana are the two departments of France most affected.

According to the Living Environment and Safety victimization surveys, carried out by INSEE to supplement the raw data of the complaints recorded, 295,000 people, including 213,000 women, declare on average that they have been victims of physical and / or sexual violence by their spouse. or ex-spouse between 2011 and 2018.

“Domestic violence is infrequently followed by complaints, in particular when it comes to sexual assault”, underlines the Ministry of the Interior, to explain the difference between the figures of the victimization survey and the number of complaints registered.

According to the CVS survey, only 27% of victims went to the police station or the gendarmerie, 18% filed a complaint and 7% a handbook or a judicial intelligence report (PVRJ), each year on average between 2011 and 2018.

With AFP

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