Covid-19. The 5th wave is “dazzling” according to the government: the point in Toulouse and Haute-Garonne –

Monday, November 22, in Toulouse, the incidence rate is below the national and regional average. Far from the rates recorded in the summer of 2021 or in October 2020. (© News Toulouse / Gabriel Kenedi)

“This fifth wave, it starts in a dazzling way”, noted Secretary of State and government spokesperson Gabriel Attal, guest on Europe 1, CNEWS and Les Échos Sunday 21 November 2021.

Despite significant vaccination coverage, the government is worried about a strong epidemic resumption at one Christmas month.

What level of contamination in Occitania?

What is the situation in our region?

Monday, November 22, in Occitania, the epidemic resumption is obvious. The incidence rate (the number of positive cases for Covid-19 over 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants, Editor’s note) is 167 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. For the time being, our region therefore remains below the national average, which stands at 171 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The situation is nevertheless different according to the departments. For the time being, four departments have, for example, exceeded the threshold of 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants: Hautes-Pyrénées (224), Ariège (228), Aveyron (215), Hérault (206) and the Tarn-et-Garonne (201).

Lozère (194) is also above the regional and national average.

The Pyrénées-Orientales are almost in the national average (163.5). In this department, the prefect decided to make the mask compulsory again in places already subject to the health pass.

Gers (127), Gard (148), Aude (130), Lot (162) and Haute-Garonne (146) are the departments where epidemic data are the most favorable according to the latest figures.

The point in Haute-Garonne

In Haute-Garonne, the spread of the virus has increased for a month and its pace is mirroring the epidemic resumption of last July, even though the number of screening tests is significantly lower than that of last July.

Haute-Garonne is one of the departments in Occitanie where the detection rate is the lowest.

In Haute-Garonne, the epidemic recovery is here.  The incidence rate is nevertheless below the national average.
In Haute-Garonne, the epidemic recovery is here. The incidence rate is nevertheless below the national average. (© Covid Tracker)

Toulouse, one of the least affected metropolises

Among the large metropolises, Toulouse is one of those where the virus circulates the least with 135.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

At the same time, on November 14, 2020, the incidence rate in Toulouse was 188. It had risen to 424 on the 1er November 2020. At the time, vaccination had not started and part of the population had to be reconfigured to reverse the trend.

No “meteoric” increase in hospitalizations in Occitania

As in the four previous outbreaks of the epidemic, the issue is whether this outbreak of infections will lead to a massive influx to the hospital. If we stick to the objectives of vaccination, namely to reduce the number of serious forms and therefore hospitalizations for Covid, the saturation of hospital beds should be avoided as this summer.

In hospitals in Occitanie, if there is an increase in admissions for Covid, for the moment, it is not at all dazzling.

For now, only the department of Ariège shows worrying hospital pressure with 75% of intensive care beds occupied by patients severely affected by covid.

No wave at Toulouse University Hospital

At the Toulouse University Hospital, the situation was not tense on Monday with a dozen patients in intensive care. But caution was still required because of the lag still recorded between the increase in contamination and the increase in hospitalizations and also because of the upsurge. other diseases that overwhelm emergency services, especially pediatric … and the number of beds closed in recent months for lack of staff.

Intensive care admissions are on the rise in Occitania.  For the moment, there is no question of vague.
Intensive care admissions are on the rise in Occitania. For the moment, there is no question of vague. (© Covid Tracker)

In France, critical care admissions are up 32% on average this week. There are currently 1,333 intensive care patients in French hospitals, a number below what we saw last September but which is increasing slightly (+ 10%).

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