Legendary Gina Lollobrigida at the age of 94: JUDGING with her own son… HAS UNDERSTANDED HER! – Topky.sk

Lollobrigida suspects that it is a conspiracy of her son Milc and other people to get to the inheritance. Her new lawyer Antonio Ingroia, a former prosecutor in mafia cases, also said on Rai 1 that her relatives were not interested in Gina’s welfare, but “for her property”.

Gina Lollobrigida, who is suspected of depriving the former actress of real estate, money, valuables, defended Piazzolla in an emotional TV interview that she was for her “as a son”. “He helped me move forward. His daughter Gina is called for me.” stated and added that “Andrea never did anything wrong. He’s a good man.” She stated that the gift to Andrea and his family is exclusive “her thing, no one else”.

Relatives claim that Andrea gradually gained the affection of Gina Lollobrigida when he developed from a gardener and chauffeur to her assistant and a power of attorney who succeeded. “cut” her from the family – the only son and grandson Dimitri, who lived with her for years in her Roman villa on the Via Appia. It is a villa where Piazzolla moved in with his partner and daughter Gina.

Close relatives, concerned about these conditions, agreed that Gina Lollobrigida had to undergo psychiatric examination. On that basis, the court concluded in October that Gina Lollobrigida was able to make decisions about everyday life, but no longer those that concern the management of money, companies and real estate.

Legendary Gina Lollobrigida v

Source: Cosortium du Film

Gina Lollobrigida defended Piazzolla in an interview on Domenica in, which was broadcast on Italian television RAI 1 on Sunday, adding that she “she doesn’t deserve to be so humiliated”. She declared she had life “in your hands” and she decides how to deal with it. “I have the right to live, but also to die, in peace,” she said in an interview.

Lollobrigida together with Sophia Loren and Claudio Cardinale into the trio of icons of Italian cinema in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. This striking Roman woman was considered the most beautiful woman in the world.

She has made films with stars such as Anthony Quinn, Humphrey Bogart, Marcello Mastroianni and Rock Hudson, and her international successes have been Fanfán Tulipán, Krásky noci, Zvonár u Matky Boží and Rimanka. After her film career, she was successful as a photographer and sculptor.

Legendary Gina Lollobrigida v

Source: profimedia.sk

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