Matovic wants 300-euro gastro allowance for people over 60 who can be vaccinated –

22. 11. 2021 17:26 | BRATISLAVA /

Matovič hopes that this will increase vaccination.

Illustration image.
Photo: TASR

The Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO) proposes to introduce a recreational and gastro bonus worth 300 euros.

It should be for every citizen over the age of 60 and should help speed up vaccinations and repay those who have already been vaccinated.

Its goal is to support domestic tourism. It should be applicable during 2022.

Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO), who is coming to the coalition council with this proposal, explained this at a press conference on Monday.

The bonus is intended for citizens who have been or will be vaccinated between 1 July and 12 December this year.

If someone has not been vaccinated or was only the second dose until the beginning of July, they should also have the third dose.

“We need these people who die the most and who fill the hospitals the most to be vaccinated with the third dose as soon as possible,” the minister said.

Matovic wants to finance this measure from what the state will save on providing health care to these people in hospitals.

It is also transferable to another person, who must be fully vaccinated while using the service. For people over 60, full vaccination presupposes three doses.

“We want to divide the recreational and gastronomic bonus among people so that they can use it partly in restaurants, partly so that they can use it to support domestic tourism, ie in domestic tourism facilities,” Matovič explained.

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