The Czech Chief Hygienist is in charge of compulsory vaccination, the pandemic is strong –

Nov 22, 2021 at 8:58 am I Updated at 10:30

They have already confirmed two million diseases in the Czech Republic.

PRAGUE. On Sunday, tests in the Czech Republic revealed 8,244 new cases, which is the most for Sunday so far, the server reports.

A record broke on Saturday, when 14,402 new infections were confirmed in the country, the most free day since the start of the pandemic.

4,885 people with the disease were hospitalized in hospitals on Sunday Covid-19, of which 715 in difficult condition.

Another 46 people succumbed to the coronavirus in the Czech Republic. The total number of deaths thus rose to 32,173.

Two million people in the country have become infected since the epidemic began. The last 100,000 infected have increased in the last six days, the highest growth ever.

Record incidence

The incident number reached a new record. There are thousands of infected people per 100,000 inhabitants.

The worst situation is in Moravia and Silesia. In the Olomouc Region, there are 1,426 new cases from 100,000 people last week. In the Zlín Region it is 1,277 and in Juhomarovsky 1,242.

Only four European countries currently have an incidence of over a thousand in the world. Slovakia is in first place, followed by Slovenia, Austria and the Czech Republic.

Will mandatory vaccination be introduced?

Mandatory vaccination is also a topic in the Czech Republic. Experts consider it the main tool in the fight against the epidemic.

The Czech Chief Hygienist Pavla Svrčinová would go this route. “Vaccination is the only option. I would personally go the route of compulsory vaccination,” Svrčinová said in Radiožurál.

To date, health professionals have administered more than 13 million doses of vaccines in the Czech Republic, 10,700 of them yesterday.

Austria will also be required to be vaccinated from February. It has so far been introduced by Indonesia, Micronesia and Turkmenistan.

The chief hygienist also said on the radio that the government was considering declaring a state of emergency. According to her, this would allow medics to help in hospitals.

The Czech Republic declared a state of emergency first on March 12 and later on October 5 last year. It was extended several times and ended on April 11 this year. It lasted a total of 254 days.

Stricter anti – pandemic measures

New anti-pandemic restrictions began to apply in the country on Monday. In most cases, antigen and PCR tests no longer apply when proving infectivity, so only persons with a certificate of vaccination or overcoming the disease.

Exceptions to the PCR test are adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age and people who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons. However, the physician must enter the reason for the contraindications in the Infectious Diseases Information System.

Children under 12 years of age do not need to show up at all, and people must submit a test after the first dose or within 14 days after the second, together with confirmation of incomplete vaccination.

Vojtěch suggests a state of emergency

The Minister of Health of the Czech Republic Adam Vojtěch will propose to the government on Monday to declare a state of emergency in connection with the pandemic of a new type of coronavirus. According to Vojtěch, the reason is mainly the current situation in hospitals.

“It’s because of the hospitals,” health spokesman Daniel Köppl told

Some hospitals are so overwhelmed that they have had to cut back on planned care and ask the military for help.

From Friday, the soldiers will help in 24 hospital and social facilities in the Czech Republic, and from Monday they will provide assistance in 15 more.

On Friday, after the government meeting, Minister Vojtěch stated that a declaration of a state of emergency was not necessary.

It would be necessary if, for example, the government wanted to restrict the movement of people, he said last week, adding that this also follows from the consultations of his department with lawyers.

All about coronavirus and COVID-19 disease

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