This diet is more effective than drugs against migraines, study finds – Sputnik International

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Kirill Batarin

Kirill Batarin



Sputnik France

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Sputnik France

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food products, diet, migraine, study, diet

In the fight against migraines, diet may be more effective than medication, according to BMJ Case Reports. The products consumed are not the only trigger factor for headaches in humans.

So that migraines do not haunt your daily life, it is no longer essential to resort to drug treatment. This hypothesis is based on the results ofa multi-year study published November 18 in the British Medical Journal Case Reports (BMJ Case Reports).

The authors of this medical report describe the case of a 60-year-old man who regularly suffered from severe migraines for over 12 years, despite taking medication prescribed by his doctor.

His blood showed no symptoms of inflammation and showed normal beta-carotene levels. The patient suffered from headaches 18 to 24 days a month, the researchers detail.

Thus, he was recommended to adopt a special diet, called LIFE (Low Inflammatory Foods Everyday), providing for the regular consumption of products of vegetable origin with low inflammatory effect, in particular green leafy vegetables, and excluding foods of animal origin, especially dairy products and red meat.

Two months after starting this diet, the monthly frequency of her migraines dropped to one day. Three months later, the headaches are completely gone, scientists say.

The study finds that the effects of the LIFE diet are long-lasting and that the patient, who still follows this diet, has not suffered from a headache for more than seven years.

“This report suggests that a complete plant-based diet may offer a safe, effective and permanent treatment for reversing chronic migraine,” its authors conclude.

Nighttime sleep as important

In addition to an inadequate diet, American researchers from Ohio University spoke of another factor that can lead to regular migraines: a chronic lack of nightly sleep, which, combined with daily stress, can cause headaches, dizziness and photophobia.

The authors of this study also found that the clinical picture of people with a nighttime sleep deficit matched that of those with a head injury.

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