A film inspired by the life of a superstar enters the cinema: Why didn’t the director meet her? | Telkáč.sk – Telkáč.sk

11/20/2021Movie newsThe program of Slovak cinemas has been richer since Thursday with the film Voice of Love, loosely inspired by the life of a singing superstar. The film was created as a tribute and celebration of the Canadian wonder Céline Dion, it was shot by the director and co-author of the screenplay Valérie Lemercier, who also plays the lead role in the film.

“At Céline, in addition to her talent, I’m fascinated by her sincerity. She treats the audience like a family. When I saw her at a concert in Bercy, I literally felt an aura around her and how nice her fans were. I felt at home.” Lemercierová introduced the genesis of the film. She further confirmed that for months, day and night, she watched, read and listened to many things about Celine, her husband and family. “I wanted to tell the world about her family’s strength, the background that always helped her keep her feet on the ground.” the director explains.

The story of the film begins in Quebec in the late 1960s, when Sylvette and Anglomard welcome the 14th child in their family – Aline. Music prevails throughout the Dieu family, and when Aline grows up, she discovers a beautiful gift, a golden voice. When he is heard by music producer Guy Claude (Sylvain Marcel), he thinks of making Alina the world’s greatest singer. With the support of their family and under the experienced guidance of Guy Claude, who will later become love, they will write a story of an extraordinary destiny together.

The director renamed the main character

“At first I told Céline the main character. Sixty pages later, Brigitte Buc, with whom I worked on the comedy Such a Normal Royal Family (2005), joined the project. She convinced me to change our first names. This unblocked it. Thanks Aline ‘we keep reality,’ the screenwriter revealed. When asked why the change of currency simplified filming, she responded with the words: “Because the two Celine Dions don’t exist! She’s alive and well and more famous than ever before.” says Lemercier.

She never tried to meet Céline Dion. “She’s very busy, surrounded by her co-workers, I knew I could meet her for five minutes before her show or a moment at a fashion show. What would it be good for? She herself preferred not to read the script at all. I did everything for her project and I hope she likes it, she won’t feel betrayed, ” believes the director, screenwriter and representative of the main role in the film novelty, which they shot in France, Canada, Spain and the USA.

Source: TASR

Photo: TASR / AP / Richard Shotwell; Video:

Tags: Céline Dion

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