CORONAVIRUS Strong opposition reaction: Smer-SD attacks new pandemic measures at the Constitutional Court –

ÚVZ issued two new decrees for the purpose of compliance with the new version of the COVID machine. They regulate the activities of operations and the organization of mass events. “After reading them, we are completely convinced that unconstitutional segregation has been introduced in Slovakia. “The valid PCR test will not go to the department store. The aim of the ordinances is not to fight the pandemic, but to get people vaccinated,” said Fico.

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

According to him, the decrees unreasonably interfere with the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people and in practice will cause constitutional damage. According to him, the ÚVZ decree cannot restrict freedom of movement, assembly, they can only be restricted in a constitutional way.

Robert Fico

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

According to Fico, Smer-SD supports measures in the event of a crisis, but they must have a constitutional and legal framework. He reiterated that the legal status of those vaccinated, tested and those who had overcome the disease must be the same. Fico recalled that the government had failed to prevent and work with people who found themselves infected. “No one is working with these people. We are asking the government to immediately launch a preventive program to work with people as soon as they learn they are positive.” he said. According to him, the state should provide them with the necessary treatment and consultation.

Robert Fico

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Decrees of the ÚVZ published in the Gazette of the Government of the Slovak Republic will be effective from Monday, November 22. It follows from the decrees that the complete vaccination regime is changing to the OP regime (vaccination, overcoming). Operations other than essential stores are to be closed to the OTP mode and the base mode in red to black.

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